Langa Hasegawa

11 1 0

Sk8 the infinity


It was love at sight for Langa when he first met his darling. Whether it was seeing them from across the room or actually meeting them in some way. They now have his heart and eyes all on them and that will never change.

Stalking/After Meeting:

He is pulled toward them every second of every day. More than anything else he just wants to be near them, see them, hear them. He just can't get enough of his darling.


For him being with his darling and living with them is something that he believes will happen naturally. But when it doesn't then it will still happen his mind.


There isn't punishment since he does take his darling 'acting out' as little fights that they have between each other that he tries to fix as best he can.


The relationship can be really soft, sweet and normal or can be cold, one sided and uncontrollable. There is no in between.

Random headcanons:

His delusions are so strange that they are his reality and anything outside of that is one thing or another and not what it really is.

Despite that fact along with a few others he can be considered to be the least yandere unlike the others.

He still somewhat realizes the consequences which do stop him from doing too much...kind of.

He doesn't see anything that he does as creepy (like following them around nonstop.)


Childhood friends:

They are going to be stuck together for the rest of their lives. The whole 'soulmate' thinking really becomes stronger the longer and being that they have literally known each other their whole lives than.... His darling has no chance in this scenario.


His job was taking care of the winter season making him quite powerful. If his darling was a mortal, he will make them immortal like him so that they will be together forever. (Depending he may or may not freeze their whole town/city if they say that is the reason why they can't be together.) if they are another deity then he will country them before (arranging.) marrying them very shortly after meeting.


Being stuck in a loop is never fun and neither is losing your love however Langa is stuck with both. He doesn't keep track of what year it is anymore, just how he is going to find his darling next.


All he wants is a peaceful life with his darling and their future family. (One or two little ones.)  

Lover's Obsession: Let The Madness ContinueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon