Yandere says: I'm going to give you 5 seconds to take that back (Kaito Momota)

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Danganronpa v3 

His darling stares at him with fear and regret for their harsh words. Kaito and his darling had gotten into a bit of a fight about his behavior towards them as well as others. What was once a conversion turned into his darling yelling at him for trying to control them while he defended his actions making even less sense as time went on. Finally, they had enough and crossed a line by saying something that cut deep only instead of him acting like a kicked puppy like he usually did when they got into a fight his face became blank before saying the cold dead words with raged filled eyes.

It was his reaction that truly put terror into his darling's soul for they had never seen him like this before. They did after a moment take back their words wishing to get away from him as fast as they could. However, that was not to be as soon as they apologized, he became cheery as if nothing had happened pulling them along back to his house.

It was from that day forward his darling watched their words more closely when around him, scared that one more slip of the tongue may land them in hot water and they really didn't want to find out how much it would burn. 

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