Nagito with a hot-tempered but always winning in almost any dispute darling

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Danganronpa v2

However, they are incredibly calm and kind with Nagito and explain this by saying that he looks like someone they are close to.

He would be lying if he said that he doesn't enjoy seeing his darling winning arguments.

He doesn't mind too much of their hot temperedness... until it gets them into some hot water in which case, he will step in to help them.

At first, he doesn't really understand why they treat him differently than others.

Of course, he does enjoy their kindness towards him but he just doesn't know why they are so kind and calm to him.

At some point he will ask them why they act differently towards him.

When they tell him the reason, he does feel honored in a way.

He will ask a few questions about the person but won't push it if his darling doesn't want to talk about them.

Depending on what the relationship is, he may be just a little bit jealous. 

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