Sweet Mask/Amai Mask

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One punch man


There was something that caught his eye about his darling whether it be their looks or their actions there was something that made him look at them. He became curious about them and started to look into them, the more he learned the more he saw that they would be perfect together.

Stalking/After Meeting:

He keeps eyes on his darling at all times even managing to get cameras in their home. He learns everything he knows to know in order to plan out how he is going to get them to love him.


It is inevitable, he will have his darling in the end no matter what anyone thinks, says or does.


He will punish his darling however depending on what his darling did is how harsh it will be.


On the outside it is a sweet and loving relationship and although it does somewhat stay the same behind closed doors. (Depending on how his darling acts that is.) Over time he does come more and more controlling of what his darling does as well as getting into their head. He covers it all with sugar covered words and gifts.

Random headcanons:

He will get rid of anyone no matter who they are if he believes it necessary.

This being said he doesn't like doing unnecessary things so he is much more calculated then most yanderes making him way more dangerous to deal with.

He does also have many resources at hand that he uses often.

Although he doesn't want to, he can and will turn people against his darling if they try to tell people what he is really like. (The main reason why he doesn't want to is because he wants to show off just how much he and his darling 'love' each other.)



He is a spoiled royal used to getting everything he wants without ever hearing the word no. If his darling is another royal then he will simply set up an arranged marriage but if they are a commoner then he will lie and say they are a royal from a far-off land. Either way he will set up a way for his darling to be unable to refuse


He rules the city with an iron fist making everyone at his mercy. So, if a person just so happens to disappear, especially one that he had shown interest in, no one will say a word or else. This version is... harsher than some of the others so you really don't want to get stuck with this version.


If he were to fall for a mere mortal, he would be...less than thrilled but knows that it is less of a challenge then if it were another deity. But if they were another deity, he would either arrange marriage or trick them into being with him.


He will have the perfect ending with his darling with the both of them being 'madly in love' along with the perfect little family. It will truly be picture perfect. He will make sure of it nothing less than the best after all. 

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