Danganronpa v1 with a darling who get hurt while getting mugged

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Darling says "Yeah, someone tried to mug me and slashed me with a knife. No big deal." while having a Bandage on their forehead.

Makoto Naegi: "don't say it so casually!"

Would definitely want to bring them to the hospital if they haven't already. After this he is going to be watching his darling like a hawk even more than he did before.

Chihiro Fujisaki:

He would nearly be in tears seeing his darling hurt. Would immediately want to take his darling to the doctor. He wouldn't get off his darling case for a long time after always checking up on them and never leaving them alone.

Byakuya Togami: "..."

He's so quiet about his darling starts to wonder what he's going to do. The next day on the news his darling will find their mugger, almost unrecognizable in a ditch somewhere. Although it can never be linked to him, his darling knows who did it.

Leon Kuwata:

He. Is. Pissed. He is just about out the door to go find the person who dares to even think about hurting his darling. After the initial anger is gone, he's worried sick for his darling and becomes even more protective and clingy then he was before.

Hifumi Yamada:

Outraged that someone lay a hand on his darling. Although after he finds that his darling is ok, he is going to scold them. Telling them that it proves his point that the outside is too dangerous and they should stay inside with him more.

Yasuhiro Hagakure:

Since his darling reaction to it is calm then his reaction isn't as intense as the others but he's still upset about it. He does start to stay around his darling more. He also stays to get them to stay in the house more.

Mondo Owada:

There is a 99% chance that either he or one of his guys saw what happened and took care of it immediately. Even with the 1% that it happened without eyes on his darling the theft will be nothing but a pile of meat very soon. And so that 99% becomes 100% right after this event then again, his darling will be lucky to be able to even go outside again after this.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

Panic, just pure panic, anger and sadness. Panic because his darling is hurt, anger that someone hurt them and he wasn't there to help them and sadness for both. He would most likely try to hunt down the person after making sure his darling is truly alright. He will also make sure he is always around them at all times to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.

Toko Fukawa:

There's a good chance she saw it when it happened and went straight to her darling after. She wants the person to be punished for hurting her darling although that will come later as she tries her best to help them with their wound.

Genocide Jack/Jill:

She sliced them up right as it was happening. Pissed that someone dared hurt her darling and steal from them. They will be in pieces by the time she is done.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

It's not going to take her long to find the thief. Although when they arrive at the police station they aren't as pretty as they were before. She makes sure they are seen by a doctor just to make sure they are truly ok.

Celestia Ludenberg: "How unfortunate."

She is as calm, cool and collected as ever but on the inside is unhinged boiling anger. She does get revenge by finding the mugger and punishing them to her heart's content.

Aoi Asahina:

She's super pissed and super worried about her darling. How could this have happened?! Her sweet darling was hurt and who knows what else could have happened! So, from that day forward Asahina will always be with them as a sort of bodyguard.

Sakura Ogami:

She's upset that her darling was hurt and disappointed in herself that she didn't protect them. Sure, she's angry that it happened but there's nothing she can do about it now to make sure her darling is ok. She does wonder how they could be so casual about the whole thing.

Sayaka Maizono:

Super worried and sweet on the outside, anger before measuring on the inside. She will find the thief and when she does... it's not going to be pretty. She doses end up babying her darling for a bit even if they say it, wasn't a big deal. She also doesn't leave their side (like she really did before.)

Junko Enoshima:

She goes through a mix of emotions although she doesn't end up with the mugger's head. She doesn't always treat her darling the best but that doesn't mean she wants them hurt. (at least not by anyone else's hands.)

Mukuro Ikusaba:

They have already been taken care of by the time her darlings get home. She saw everything and the only reason she didn't act in the moment was because she didn't want to accidentally hurt her darling. (Or get any blood on them.) The police do have to deal with a messy clean up after she's done. 

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