Yasuhiro Hagakure

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Danganronpa v1 


Not too sure if it was love at first sight but he did feel something when he first laid his eye on you. Mix with the fact that after a (short) while he does start to believe that you both are 'soulmates' that are destined to be together no matter what anyone else says.

Stalking/After Meeting:

He will watch you from a distance but at the same time will always be by your side. He will always be around whether you know it or not. As time goes on it almost seems as if one is never without the other being as close as two people can be.


This is really used as a last resort or if he feels things are happening too much for him to stop it. (Learning you're leaving in just a few days; you're leaving for work somewhere far etc.) Truth be told he would make it seem like it was your idea to stay with him.


He doesn't want to hurt his darling so he wouldn't but he will let it be known how upset he was by their acts. Besides he knows that if he plays his cards just right, he will have them wrapped around his finger.


For the most part it will be like another relationship mixed in with a clingy partner but even that wouldn't be so bad at least that's what his darling thinks others who see it not so much. He will have them believe that everything is fine and normal so they don't have anything to worry about or have any suspension.

Random headcanons:

His darling is always running though his mind either in SFW or NSFW ways.

Had definitely thought about a life with his darling. (Like settling down, having a family etc.)

He likes it when his darling is WILLINGLY affectionate with him. He doesn't force his darling into anything (if he can help it and then it's just being in a relationship.)

He is one of the best yanderes when it comes to hiding his darling.

He hates leaving his darling's side even if it's for a short time. He will start to feel guilty and worry so he quickly returns as fast as he can.

On the outside it's obvious that hiro has a crush but no one can ever guess just how deep it goes.


Demon: demon Hiro just loves watching his darling squirm. He will mess with their mind until they can't trust their own reality before stealing them away into his own realm where they will forever be his favorite pet. He just finds humans so amusing he just had to get one for himself.

Mastermind: is always watching to see what they do next. He always seems to be just in to save his darling from any harm. It looks like he is the only one they can trust until the last trail when it all comes apart. The look on their face when they see what he created not only for him but for them as will. Even if they do try to run everything is still locked down tight with nothing but the shell of their former friends and a madman.

Mafia: this version is definitely one of the sternest when it comes to his darling. His darling can never tell what he is thinking or what he is going to do next. He definitely keeps his darling on their toes.

Role Reversal: it wouldn't be that hard hiding the fact that his partner is a yandere. He doesn't mind them being clingy and as long as they are sweet to him, he won't pay much attention to the signs. Meaning that they can direct his attention away from what they are easily. As long as his partner is good at hiding their yandere side then there isn't much to worry about.


Although it is something that crosses his mind every now and again as well as trying to look into it, he doesn't really mind what happens. He would like a quiet life with his darling at some point but just how far away that is anyone's guess. It is something he hopes for one day but for right now he will give it everything he has to get his darling to love him one way or another. 

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