Over and over (Jack Frost)

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Rise Of The Guardians

Over the hundreds of years that Jack has been alive he has only ever had one love. No matter how much they change each time he can always find them. He always knew it was them the moment he laid his eyes on them. For only they could give him warmth.

The first time they passed he was devastated. Once they were buried, he only left their grave when it was summer and spring. It was during this time when he found them again, although they did look a bit different their warmth was still there. This time he had led them away to their house that he made just for them. But just like before it was not to last.

The happiest and devastation continued for years. No matter what he did he couldn't stop time from taking his love away. Locking them away, freezing them, holding them close it all failed time and time again. It was maddening for them to appear only to be ripped away again.

At some point during the years, he stops only enjoying his love until they pass once again, the fact that they would come back did make it all a bit better. No matter how they changed there was one Thing that made them the same. They could never feel or see him, they never believed in him but that didn't stop him from loving him.

As long as they kept coming back then he would continue to watch over and protect them. As long as they kept coming back, he still had some sanity left. 

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