DR 2 girls with a disfigured darling who always wears a mask to hide their face

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They try not to let it affect them even when people always compare them to their extremely attractive siblings 

Akane Owari:

Whenever she hears anyone talking about her darling negatively, she will get in their face. (Maybe even rip them apart. Not literally but close to it.) After that she reminds her darling about how she sees them and smothers them in affection.

Chiaki Nanami:

She will glare at the person or people who are comparing her darling and she may even say something to them about it. She does remind her darling that she is always there to listen to them whenever they need it.

Sonia Nevermind:

They will be sent to the dungeon for talking so badly about her darling. They are a wonderful and beautiful person and she will not have any slander against them.

Hiyoko Saionji:

She saves her harshest insults for them for talking bad about her darling. She may not always be the nicest to her darling but she won't let anyone treat them horrible.

Ibuki Mioda:
Those moments are most likely the only times her darling will see her so angry. After yelling at the person/people she will also smother her darling in affection.

Mahiru Koizumi:
She will let the person/people know how horrible they are being. They shouldn't be comparing them to anyone and she lets them know it. She does make sure her darling is alright after and listens to them vent if they need it.

Mikan Tsumiki:
They are never seen from again after she hears what they were doing. She will not allow her darling to hear much things. She does spoil her darling after everything is said and done.

Peko Pekoyama:

She is another one that will take care of them before her darling can hear what they are saying. She does stay closer to her darling after the job is done. She does seemingly randomly say that they can come to her about anything. 

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