Makoto Naegi & Kiyotaka Ishimaru

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Danganronpa v1 

Manic fluff

Makoto does manage, for the most part, to keep Kiyotaka from doing anything too crazy.

Both can be fairly clingy, Kiyotaka being the worst out of the two.

Things are calmer with this pair then it would be if it was just Kiyotaka.

Naegi does help to calm down some of what taka dose but it doesn't stop him completely.

They both can be found following their darling round all day.

They both can somehow talk their darling out of things that they believe to be 'too dangerous'.

This being said they both can keep their darling on their side basically meaning that if anyone tries to turn their darling against them, they can easily get them to believe them that they haven't done anything wrong. 

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