DRV1 girls with a crush that seemingly disappeared

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Only to show up on the news fighting in a war zone

Toko Fukawa:

She panicked searching everywhere she could think of that they could be. When she finally saw them on the news she was thrilled until she saw where they were. Knowing there was really nothing she could do she waited for their return... and prays that they stay alive.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

She already knew where her darling was by the time the news showed them. She was already working on a way to get them back safe and sound back home where they belong. It wouldn't be much longer until they return home. She just needs a bit more time.

Celestia Ludenberg:

She had looked all over for her crush when she saw the news and she. Was. pissed. How dare they leave her! She was even more angry than she was before (and sad.) she was going to get them back no matter what!

Aoi Asahina:

She had been worried sick for weeks frantically trying to find them. When she saw them on the news her happiness quickly turned to terror seeing where they were. There had to be something she could do! isn't there? She can't just let them stay there; they could get hurt! Or worse...there had to be something... anything...

Sakura Ogami:

She honestly thought her crush and she had just missed each other while going through the day. That was until she saw the news. She knew there was nothing she could do except pray and hope that they would have a safe return.

Sayaka Maizono:

She knows she shouldn't have left her darling side and now look! It was only for a little while and now they're gone! She was desperately trying to find them when she saw the news and her heart broke. She couldn't help them and all she could do was wait. She knew she would have to do things differently when they came back and this time, she won't ever leave them, not even for a moment.

Junko Enoshima:

She didn't think much about it until she got bored one day and went looking for them. Then she learned what had happened. At first, she just revealed she could lose them at any minute after all. Then she started doing something else. After a while she found that every time, she did something new she would look to her side where her crush usually was.... but they weren't there... maybe. Just a bit. She did start to miss them. maybe.

Mukuro Ikusaba:

There's a chance she may also be in the war zone for whatever reason and if that is the case, she is going to defend them with everything she has even if it means hiding them away from all the action. 

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