Nagito Komaeda and Byakuya Togami whose darling's family had found them

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Danganronpa v1 & Danganronpa v2

The family is just as rich as they are and they had no idea they were still looking for their darling even after years passed.

Nagito Komaeda:

Believes that it was his bad luck that led their family to them. Although he had hoped that they had given up years ago.

Which means that something will come to stop them. He just needs a bit more time for that to happen.

And that's exactly what happens. Just as his darling's family made their way to his and their home something happened to them.

Something not too pretty and very messy.

He's not too worried if more came, in fact let them. it will be one less thing he has to worry about.

One by one his bad luck will seal their fate. Plus, he doesn't even have to get his own hands dirty so it's really a win win for him.

Byakuya Togami:

He knew it was something that could happen someday so he was ready for when they came.

Sure, as years passed, he did get a bit more relaxed but the thought always stayed in the back of his mind.

So, when they finally did come, he simply used the plans he made years ago to get rid of them.

It was quick and couldn't be traced back to him.

In truth, byakuya is always ready even if it doesn't happen for years to come.

Besides, even if they are rich like a Togami, they will never hold the power that a Togami has or at least that's what he believes and has appeared to hold some truth to it. 

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