Darling says: I never loved you (Satori Tendō)

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Satori Tendō:

It was deathly quiet after those words filled the room. A sickening grain slowly appeared on Tendo's face.

"Is that all?" He steps towards them.

"Is that some type of requirement I need?"

The look on his face made his darling lose whatever confidence as they stepped back until the wall stopped them. Tendo placed both arms on the wall behind them trapping them in place as he moved his face just an inch in front of theirs.

"I don't need your love. I just need you." he stared right into their eyes as he spoke. "You think because you don't love me will change anything? Sure, it would have made things simpler but the outcome would have been the same."

"Love won't let you go but it will make things easier." he said as he moved away heading for the door. "So at least try to play nice."

And with that tendo slammed and locked the door. He won't admit it but their words did cut deep but he also knows that it is only a phase that will disappear over time.

That's all they need... he thinks and even if it doesn't that won't change anything...because they will always be mine...

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