Platonic Yandere: Kiyoko shimizu

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(Instead of saying platonic darling I just called them family/friend and still used darling in the romantic way. I hope it makes it easier.)

Now family or friend, she will still be very protective of her darling.

An example of this is looking into any new friends or partners they have.

Now if someone were to try to hurt (with action or words.) then she would kill. This is also one of the only times when she does.

Now unlike her darling, her family/friend will be allowed to have a few people other than her. (Like friends.) around but it still won't be that many since she will have high standards for who can and can't be around them.

She will still pamper her family/friend however still it not be to the extent like how it is with her romantic darling but close to it.

There is a good chance that there will be a standoff if another yandere were to come into the picture. (doesn't matter if it's romantic or platonic.)

Even if they happened to be a soft yandere she knows that they can take her family/friend away and she will be damned if that happens.

Now she can be clingy with her family/friend but not to the level she would be with her darling.

She won't kidnap them like she would do with her darling. (Although she will feel trouble for leaving them behind but promises that she will be back for them or at least let them know that she is happily living with the love of her life.)

There is a chance that her family/friend could calm down some of her yandere ways but it will never truly leave. 

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