Danganronpa V3 girls with a self-loathing darling

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Kaede Akamatsu:

She loves her darling more than anything else. Seeing them like this breaks her heart. If it's because of someone or more then she will make sure that they won't ever make her darling feel like this again. If it's just how her darling feels then she will do everything she can to change their mind.

Angie Yonaga:

She is confused on why they feel this way but helps as best she can. She will often draw, paint or even scalped them to show them how she sees them. That is being the most perfect person that she has ever seen.

Himiko Yumeno:

She doesn't really know how to help them. But she tries her best nonetheless. She has her moments when she says or does the right thing that makes her darling smile.

Kirumi Tojo:

She is confused and saddened on why her darling feels this way. She is all over it nonetheless with helping them feel better and or getting rid of any outside causes and knowing her, her darling will slowly start to loathe themselves less. She will make sure of it.

Maki Harukawa:

She tries to help the best she can. She doesn't want them to feel that way. For the most part she will listen to them before (a bit harshly not really meaning to.) Telling them how they should feel this way about themselves and lait reasons why. Their methods are a bit harsh at times but is really trying her hardest to help them feel even a little bit better. If it was because of someone then she will take care of them slowly and painfully.

Miu Iruma:

She kind of goes between her meek side and her more...bold side. She is trying but it just comes off as her joking around or just being flirty. It may come off as her just kind of ignoring it or not taking it as seriously as she is. But there are moments where she does show that she really cares and is trying her best. She would do anything for her darling.

Tenko Chabashira:

She is always praising her darling so when they do say something bad about themselves, she is already on their case. She doesn't really understand why they feel this way but she is going to 'try to cheer them up.' as she will put it.

Tsumugi Shirogane:
She simply talks with her darling about it. She listens to what they have to say in order to understand why they feel this way. It will be as long or short as they want it to be and how often. 

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