Danganronpa v1 with a Criminal Darling that robs banks

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Makoto Naegi:

He would try to get his darling to stop the best he can but if they refuse then he may just end up living with it. If they start to do more dangerous jobs then he would put his foot down. If his darling does end up getting caught then he will bail them out but they should be prepared for a lecture.

Chihiro Fujisaki:

He doesn't like it much either but will help only to make things safer. He will try to get them to stop even going as far as to somewhat manipulative tactics. He hates that too but since it's a lesser of two evils than it would be ok right? He will only live with it for a while but after that it will need to stop. Not to say he would leave his darling but give them some tough love.

Byakuya Togami:

Sees it has unnecessary, stupid and will leave them to their consequences. At least that is what he leaves his darling to believe. Yes, he doesn't like it that much but he must admit it is interesting to see how they plan and execute. He will somewhat ignore it only making comments every now and again as well as bailing them out the same day. He would also pin it on someone else or just buy their way out if he decided he didn't want them in jail.

Leon Kuwata:

He does see it as unnecessary and the coolest thing ever. Depending on the job he will come along to see what it's like. If he doesn't end up tagging along, he wants to hear about every detail. To him it's just another thing to love about his darling.

Hifumi Yamada:

He will ignore it until it gets too dangerous, then he will say something about it. Now that doesn't mean he will get his darling to stop it just means that he would want to do less dangerous, smaller jobs. All in all, when it comes to something like this, he's the calmest about it.

Yasuhiro Hagakure:

The only thing he will do is tell his darling if something bad would happen but that's about all. It's a mix of living with and ignoring it. The only other thing he will do is hide them until things dead down, he's very good at hiding his darling.

Mondo Owada:

There won't be a bank after him and his gang go through it. He will help his darling with any job big or small although they will all end the same with the building trashed and barely sanding. It really is an exciting activity to do with each other. Plus, he is the best getaway driver so beside the building destruction it will be easy as pie with him around.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

Taka is not happy in the slightest about any of it and will do everything in his power to get them to stop. (Tough love, keeping them inside more etc.) Although he wouldn't let them sit in jail for very long since he believes things will just get worse If they are surrounded by others that are similar. He would make them give back the money or whatever it was they stole if they were successful.

Kiyondo Ishida:

He is so conflicted about it. On one hand you help your partner with whatever they need while on the other hand you both would get thrown in jail. On one hand his darling could get hurt while on the other both of you would be breaking the law. It's just a mess so there would be a while until he finally decides to get his darling to stop. (He may even make his darling give back the money.)

Toko Fukawa:

It's just something else about her darling nothing more and nothing less. She does worry about them but won't get involved with it. She does want to hear about it and may even get some inspiration from it.

Genocide Jack/Jill:

Genocide on the other hand will be right there with her darling. Sure, the outcome may be bloodier but the getaway is a lot easier. She's all for it and doesn't see a reason to stop.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

No, and that's all she will say on the matter. She would stop it before the robbery even began. Now she won't let her darling rot in jail at least not forever. However, there is a lesson they need to learn and if having some jail time makes them learn it then so be it.

Celestia Ludenberg:

Look what I got! That's nice dear. If it means more money and her darling is having fun than why not. Hell, she would even help them plan although she won't actually help rob the place. She will be there to bail out her darling though. She would also pin it on someone else if there was time or need.

Aoi Asahina:

You can't do that! There are better ways to get money! She then tries to stop her darling the best she can. She would yell at them for even thinking about robbing a bank or anything else for that matter. She would keep them home for as long as she would if she felt she couldn't trust them and even if they did go outside, she would be right there with them the whole time (not like she's ever away anyways.) if they had a team, she would give them an earful too just for involving her darling.

Sakura Ogami:

She would give her darling a calmer earful. It is foolish, unnecessary and unlawful. she will have nothing to do with it as well as her darling. If she had a team, she would make them go away (not killing them but scaring them away so they don't come back). She is going to keep them away from that trouble business one way or the other.

Sayaka Maizono:

They would never do such a thing! She would be blind to it since her darling could never do anything bad ever. Even if she did see it with her own eyes, she would twist it around to make it look like her darling had no chance with those people they are stuck with. So, she would take her darling away from them and keep them safe and sound away from such unneeded things.

Junko Enoshima:

There wouldn't be any witnesses to the robbery. She would only join them for a little while before she did something different. She wouldn't talk her darling out of it but may encourage them to do even riskier jobs. Life is boring without risk, right?

Mukuro Ikusaba:

There wouldn't be a building let alone people after the robbery. If her darling needs help then she will do it with her full ability. Robing has never been easier until she came along. There's no way to get caught either so it really is a get in get out job. So, with mukuro it looks like they really do have a partner in crime.  

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