Kazuichi Soda & Nekomaru Nidai & Gundham Tanaka

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Danganronpa v2

The calm between the two raging seas

Nekomaru has his moments of being the voice of reason between the three before going back to being just like the other two. For example, he will stop kazuichi and gundham from doing something drastic but then start to plan something simple with them.

All three are different dregs of clingy with kazuichi and gunham being the worst with nekomaru only being slightly better with it.

All three always keep an eye on their darling as well as always being around them.

All three are always wanting their darling attention on them. In nekomaru's mind it's a friendly competition while kazuichi and gundham are about ready to tear each other's throats out.

All three are ready to crush anyone who even thinks about taking away or harming their darling. their darling basically has three body guards on the ready 24/7.

Both gundham and nekomaru are good at hiding behind a mask while kazuichi tends to slip off every now and again.

All three are very affectionate with their darling in varying degrees and ways.

In the end they are one of the most interesting teams to have. There's a chance that things will turn out way better than with most yandere teams. Then again there's a chance that at least two of them will tear each other apart before anything really happens. 

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