Zombie Danganronpa v1 girls finding their survivor darling

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Zombie Apocalypse AU

Once they see their darling for the first time after turning, they start to gain a bit of control.

Toko Fukawa:

She had been wandering around the familiar places she knew from before. It was that same voice that she had love so long ago that broke through the hunger fog. Everything came back to her that same strong love she had felt was now coming back full force almost making her dead heart beat again. She knew she could no longer show her face for they would surely blow it off but that doesn't mean she would just stay away. She kept others away from them either by attacking them or leading them away. It was just like in the beginning, loving from a distance.

Genocide Jack/Jill:

As soon as she saw her darling something clinked in her mind. A need, a need to protect and love them like no other. A need to slice up anyone who gets in the way and although her movements aren't as great as they used to be, her need will give her that extra boost to cut down anyone, human or zombie, that means to harm them.

Kyoko Kirigiri:

Hunger was the only thing she knew for who knows how long. Then one day it's like she wakes up, her mind may have come back but her body wasn't like before. She couldn't communicate with them let alone show herself to them. So, she would work in the shadows just like before. Keeping others away while getting her darling the supplies they need to stay alive. As best as she could she would leave notes to encourage her darling to stay alive. She knew the horror of being an empty shell and didn't want them to have the same fate.

Celestia Ludenberg:

Possessive. Want. Need. they are hers. She wants them. They need her. She will have them again. Out of everyone else Celestia won't stay in the shadows, she never has. Sure, she may be at a bit of a disadvantage now but she's gotten over obstacles before. She has always been very persistent with her darling and a lack of a heart beat won't stop her.

Aoi Asahina:

She would be so heartbroken over the situation. She knows she just can't go up to them but she also can't stay away from them and they look like they need help. She would keep zombies away as best she could and although she does get jealous of other survivors being able to be near them as long as they don't harm them, she will leave them be... for now.

Sakura Ogami:

She would protect her darling as best she could just like before. She doesn't want to scare her darling so she will hide herself away from them but she will stay near them. She may not be the same as she was before but in little ways, she will show that she is still there for them even if they don't know it.

Sayaka Maizono:

Does anyone remember the zombie song by stephanie mabey? That's this in a nutshell. She would think about infecting her darling, so there is a 50/50 chance of that happening. She would try to show that she isn't like the other zombies (I couldn't think of another way to put this.) and means no harm even if it meant her death.

Junko Enoshima:

Even when she's meant to be dead her darling will never know peace. The first thing she will do is trap her darling. Sometimes she will pretend like she is going to bite her darling and maybe she will at some point but they won't know when.

Mukuro Ikusaba:

Her darling would wonder if maybe the Zombie Apocalypse was ending or ended given that they don't see as many zombies as before and even less humans. They start to wonder if there was anyone or anything out there besides them. 

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