Sakura Ogami

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Danganronpa v1 


It started slowly day by day, month by month. It was a warm and soft feeling one that made her want to protect and care for them more and more. Until one day she vowed to never let any harm befall them. With all her might she will protect and care for them with everything she has.

Stalking/After Meeting:

It's not long before she grows close with her darling becoming one of their dearest friends or even lovers. Everything just seems to flow neutrality with the pair nothing out of place both inside and out.


She keeps her darling in a sort of 'free range cage'. They are never truly trapped with her but are always in a protected bubble in a way.


She will scold her darling but nothing further. Now there may be times after they've done something that they may feel trapped for a time but there aren't any actual punishments for them.


The relationship appears normal for the most part. Sure, there may be times when something seems a bit off but nothing that can't just be chopped up as 'having an off day'.

Random headcanons:

Sakura is very sweet and caring to her darling but can go overboard with it at times.

She will make it known to her darling how she feels about those around them especially if they are someone new. (Which does give her the possibility to choose who gets to be around her darling and who doesn't without threats.)

She does give warnings (threatens) those who she believes will harm her darling in some way.

She will baby her darling at times not because she thinks they are weak or anything like that, she just loves caring for them.

She takes every moment she can to show her darling how strong her feelings for them are.

Intentionally or unintentionally keeps suitors away from her darling fairly easily.



Maybe her darling was visiting from another kingdom or it was a meeting for an arranged marriage (one that she will try to make feel less forced.) Perhaps her darling was the one that was meant to guard her (which ended up being pointless but they still stayed by her side.) Either way she will want them to stay by her and will make it so the easiest way so that they don't end up running off. not like they could get very far given that her kingdom adores her.


She was signed to watch over her darling it was a job she took very seriously. As she watched over her darling, she found that there was a feeling that grew, one that she would only get when she was around them. As time went on her darling felt like they were never alone but instead of bringing fear its bright comfort, making them feel safe.


She does want a calm, quiet life for her and her darling once everything is said and done. Sure, the finer details will need to be talked about but for the most part she will have her darling and that's all she really wants. 

Lover's Obsession: Let The Madness ContinueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon