Nagito Komaeda with a kind, vulnerable and defenseless darling

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It's more or less a perfect darling for him.

He loves how kind they are plus there's nothing stopping him from doing as he pleases.

He can smother and spoil them as much as he wants and they won't even object to it.

He is far more protective than he would be to a point of being overbearing.

This being said he does baby his darling more than he normally would with this type of darling.

He would kidnap this kind of darling a lot faster than normal.

He barely lets his darling do anything without him, especially if it means dealing with others.

Now if they were to be unliked by the others then that just makes keeping people from his darling easier plus it shows that he is the only one they need. (If it goes passed simply ignoring his daring then there would be hell to pay.)

All in all, this is a darling that does make things easier for him to adore and be selfish with. I believe with this kind of darling his more "dominant side" comes out more when dealing with others. Everyone truly has to go through him before even looking at his darling.

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