Their darling laying down ground rules (Esdeath, Senku Ishigami, Sweet Mask)

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Akame ga Kill! / Dr. stone / One Punch Man

One day out of the blue their darling comes up to them saying that they need to talk. They say they know everything and are cool with it but there needs to be some rules.

(There is no real reason why those three are in the same post besides the fact that I wanted to try out a mixed series post. A few more may appear later on.)


Rules? Why would she have to follow rules in order to be with her lover?

For curiosity's sake she will hear what they have to say but there is no guarantee that she will follow them.

She does want to keep her darling happy so she won't do anything in front of them unless there is no helping it. (In which case the person will suffer even more.)

If one of the rules were about taking them then she will insist that they will willing move in with her.

All in all, she won't really follow the rules but in front of her darling it will appear that she is at least for a little while.

Senku Ishigami:

Same with esdeath he will listen to what they have to say and will appear to follow the rules.

But unlike esdeath he is much more careful since he is worried about upsetting his darling more than she is.

It would be a pain if they know that he broke any of the rules plus if they are willing to be with him then it's less hassle for him.

The only time he will break the rules is if there really aren't any options left.

He makes sure that they won't ever find out about it no matter how long it has been. Because as they say ignorance is bliss and that will be his main tool.

Sweet Mask:

If they think he's going to follow anything they say they are sadly mistaken.

After they are done saying all the rules he only laughs, reminding them that whether they want to be with him or not doesn't matter to him.

Sure, he may pretend to go along with what they say but at the first opportunity to break one he's going to do it.

He's not going to following any of the rules and will in fact break them right in front of his darling.

Sure, it may be cruel but they were the ones 'picking a fight' not him. 

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