Akudama drive

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Headcanons that don't really have a place to go

Warning: harm to darling, death

Swindler and Cutthroat are basically the same letter with different font types of yandere. One of the minor differences between the two is with how it will end with swindler getting a happyish ending while Cutthroat well.... There's a 70/20 chance of his darling not having the cleanest of endings.

Out of everyone Brawler, Hoodlum, Courier and Execution Division Apprentice darlings are going to have the best outcome while Cutthroat and Doctor darlings are going to have the worst ending. Swindler, Hacker and Execution Division Master have a 50/50 chance of it being good or bad.

Both Cutthroat and Doctor cause the most bodily harm to their darlings while meaning to do so.

Hoodlum and Brawler are more likely to share a darling than anyone else.

They also are the ones who will help each other if they do have separate darlings. Swindler and Courier also help each other but less than Hoodlum and Brawler do. (For example, both Hoodlum and Brawler will actively help keep each other's darling near to the other while Courier or Swindler will give a heads up on where the other darling is.)

Being an executioner of any rank will not stop the akudama yandere going after them and vice versa for the executions while akudama darlings. In fact, for some of them they may take it as a challenge which is never a good thing.

Most everyone tries to keep their darling away from both Cutthroat and Doctor. 

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