Koshi Sugawara

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It was from the first time he saw his darling is when this feeling began. It was a dark, possessive feeling. He didn't fight this feeling so it grew over time unbeknown to his darling. So, blame destiny or the universe that set up that first meeting but that will be the least of their worries.

Stalking/After Meeting:

He likes staying as close as he can give that over time it will start to close around his darling. He is very careful to not let his mask slip so as to not get suspicious cast on him when weird events start to happen. People who have been around his darling for years now seem less reliable and trustworthy. All but him of course, he is the only good thing in his darling life. He will make sure of it.


Even although he knows it's the right word for it, he won't say that he kidnapped them (they hardly ever do.) He likes to call it 'relocating' or ' taking the next step'. That's what he makes it seem at least taking the next step in their lives together.


Now there are 'suggestions' that it would be better if they see or did things his way but there are no real punishments. Now this only happens when his persuasiveness stops or just doesn't work.


Now for the most part it's a fairly normal relationship with some odd undertone. To everyone, even his darling, the whole situation is just like any other yet to those who look close enough something just seems off but they won't be able to figure out what. Suga won't let others ruin what he built with his darling.

Random headcanons:

Suga acts like an average sweet and caring partner, maybe a bit more on the protective side but he means will.

Now this being said (as well as the other times it was stated.) he hides behind a will made mask.

Now he will kill for his darling but it won't be his first course of action. However, if he is angered enough or if it's 'the right moment' then he will.

Now he is very sweet and caring towards his darling but he does like to tease them.

This being said he does have a bit of a sadistic side when it comes to his darling. Now in no way is it extreme nor does he do it directly to his darling. What he will do is make a situation where they will run into his arms for comfort. (I don't know how will I worded this but basically, he finds pleasure in being a comfort for his darling from something he did.)

Another thing he will do is sort of make the world around his darling. More or less making them see what he wants them to see.

He is both clingy and possessive of his darling. So, he won't be leaving their side any time soon (or willingly.)



So, there is a good chance that he is a very popular royal, so of course any would be lucky that he chose them to be his partner. However even if his partner started to get wise about him there would be nothing they could do. Royalty or not themselves they would be stuck by his side. Besides if they do decide to run there would be no one that would help them escape from the oh so loving and sweet prince/king.


This AU version is a bit more sadistic when it comes to his darling. He knows that they have nowhere to go because he made it so. By fear or blood, he makes sure his darling has nowhere to run but he lets them think they do, at least for a little while. He builds their hope up only to break it as soon as he shows his face.


Demon suga is a lot more.... 'Playful' when it comes to his darling. He's not worried about them leaving or hurting him so he takes this 'extra freedom' that he has and just runs with it. His darling is his favorite plaything but he does still care deeply for them. But it will be hard for his darling to see that given how much he likes to tease them.


He does want somewhat of a normal relationship with his darling however it does all depend on his darling. Whatever they want he will do everything in his power to give them whatever it is that they want. (Other than sometimes apart. At least what they think is time apart.) if they want a family then he will give them a family, if they don't then he won't mind. As long as everything goes as planned it will be a very loving and peaceful future.  

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