Danganronpa v3 with a darling that appears to turn younger

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So, what was once a taller matured looking darling now is smaller and less mature looking darling. (Example: Hiyoko Saionji)

Shuichi Saihara:

panics and is so confused. One minute they were fine and now they are tiny?! While he is trying to figure out how this happened and how to turn them back, he will make sure that they don't leave his side for even a moment. He starts to overthink (more than usual) making him even more paranoid that the world is out to hurt them especially now that they are so much more fragile.

Gonta Gokuhara:

Same as Shuichi but 5X more. He won't leave their side no matter what, becoming even more protective than he already was. (To the point that he will just carry them around.) He starts to baby them so much, not like he didn't before but it's even worse now.

K1-B0 Ultimate:

Super confused, like why the hell did they shrink? Can all humans do this? He does see them as fragile in this state. So, as he is trying to figure out what happened he just drags them around everywhere with him.

Kaito Momota:

He loves it. They are even smaller and cute to him now and with that, as he needs to protect them like never before. He will drag, pick up and just carry them around as he pleases. He just kind of assumes that they will turn back to normal at some point. if they can get smaller, they can get bigger again, right?

Kokichi Oma:

He is going to be more of a menace to his darling than he already was. (His darling never knows peace.) His darling's best chance is just to avoid him until they turn back.

Korekiyo Shinguji:

He gets really soft with his own tiny darling (not in a creepy way.) he does get... less creepy and sweeter. (It was always a weird mix but now it's more...normal?) he more or less just stays with them in one place until they turn back. Telling them tales of similar things happening to people.

Rantaro Amami:

He more or less just waits for them to turn back while also looking after them. Following around, helping them with whatever they need and maybe babying them just a little bit.

Ryoma Hoshi:

....at least they are closer in height now. Nothing too much changes other than him just keeping a close eye on them until they change back. He can't really help them if they do need it.

Kaede Akamatsu:

She just gushes over how cute they are. She more or less starts treating them like a baby doll. She just loves her tiny darling so much. she's not going to let anyone near them (not like she really did before but it's even worse now.)

Angie Yonaga:

Nothing really changes other than her saying how cute and tiny they are every 5 seconds while holding them like a teddy bear. She kind of hopes they stay like this.

Himiko Yumeno:

Super confused but just goes with it. She says she can turn them back with her magic so they don't have to worry about it. When they do turn back at some point, she says that it was her that changed them back.

Kirumi Tojo:
She treats her darling as if they were a glass doll. Keeping them safe and sound in their room while more or less doing everything for them. Pretty much everything is the same but she pampers way more than she already does. She also clings to them as well as worries after them more.

Maki Harukawa:

The only thing that really changes is that she is way more protective of them and keeps others far away from them. She sees them as even more helpless than she was before.

Miu Iruma:

She is just super soft with her darling and 0% perverted around them while they are like this. It's really odd for her darling seeing her like this yet always a good breather for them since they know she will go back acting like she did when they turn back.

Tenko Chabashira:

Every 3 seconds her darling is hearing her say how adorable they are while she crushes them to death with the hold, she has on them. So, her darling won't be going anywhere until they turn back.

Tsumugi Shirogane:

She waits for them to turn back but takes them away from everyone so they don't somehow get hurt. Other than that, nothing is really different. 

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