The Cursed Prince (Prince Bruno Madrigal)

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Royalty AU

The kingdom of Encanto was a prosperous and magical land that was blessed with three magical future rulers. The first was a princess that was said she would heal any wound, the second was another princess who could control the skies and the third was a prince who could tell the future.

Then strange events started to happen, it appeared that anything bad the prince said was going to happen did. Now the townspeople know that he could see the future but could so many bad things really be happening? There had to be a cause? Was there a curse on the town? Or just someone?

Rumors spread that all the bad luck had to be because of someone that was cursed and who else could that be but the one that says what will happen? The more the rumors spread the stronger they become until the townspeople demand something be done. So, the family decided to send the prince away to show that it would still be the same.

However, that was not the case, to the townspeople things really had gotten better now that the 'cursed prince' was away and slowly his family believed the same. Steadily the visits they made to his far away tower became less and less and soon he found himself all alone.

Years passed and the prince had become nothing more than an old wives' tale meant to keep children in line. However, the tale didn't stay in just one kingdom for the tale traveled to many lands including a small kingdom that was said not to be too far from the tower that kept the prince.

The royal from that kingdom grew curious as to if the tale was actually true or just another fairy tale. So, one night they went to the tower staying hidden in the shadows they saw a glowing green light in one of the windows. For the next few nights, they visited the tower until they finally mustered enough courage to call up to the window where the green light was.

The first time they called there was movement with the light growing stronger.

The second time was met with the light going out.

The third was met with more silence.

"I know someone is up there!" they finally called "I just want to know if you are real or not. If there really is a prince imprisoned here." the last part they said more to themselves then the person in the tower.


Just as they were going to leave a voice came from the window above.

"And what if he was?"

They looked up to see a figure poking their head out from the window but with the darkness of the night they couldn't make out anything.

"What would you do then?"

"To be fair I didn't think I would get this fair but I would start with a chat."

The only answer they got in return was a chuckle.

For the rest of the night until the sun was barely over the horizon was filled with chatter of everything and anything the pair could think of and before the pair knew it almost a year had passed. Every night the pair felt as if they had known each other for their whole life. Each one started to hate the sun that made everything stop until it fell once more.

That was until one night when the royal came the prince could tell something was off. When asked they stayed quiet for so long, he thought that they had left.

"I am to be married and sent away with them." they said, it was so filled with sorrow that it was as if they had lost someone dare and in a way they had.

"When?" was the answer after some time.

"In a month's time."

One that night when the pair parted there were two things left behind. An ache and a need for what those two feelings would lead to no one truly know but one person.

It was the night before the wedding when the prince asked if they would like to come up. The royal was confused.

"But how? And why now? Why not before?" there was no entrance to the tower as far as the royal know for, they had looked for one many times.

"I... was scared of what you would think of me... if you saw me.... I know of the rumors and I know that's what brought you here."

As the royal placed their hand on the side of the tower as a sort of comfort there appeared a door. Opening the door, they stepped into a large room with nothing but a staircase across from the opening. The door closed behind them as they made their way to the stairs. After all this time they were finally going to see their confidante.

They could hear their heart in their ears as they made it to the top with nothing but a single door in their way. Taking a breath as they pushed the door open there in the room was nothing but a bed, a night stand and shelves full of books and a lone figure looking out the single window.

He didn't turn around immediately nor did he have to for the royal to embrace him. When he did face them, they both stared at each other for the longest time. They spend the night talking and holding one another. The royal was so caught up in finally being able to touch their late-night secret to noticed that the night ran much longer than it was meant to.

Of course, to others it was still the same and when word of the royal going missing reached the other lands everyone blamed it on being so close to the tower. Yet when they went to search for the tower it was nowhere to be found. The royal was never seen or heard from again and so became just another tale just like the prince had.

A warning to listen and not go out at night for you could be the next one that gets locked in the tower with the cursed prince. 

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