Mondo Owada & Daiya Owada

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(Just as a reminder team ups are not poly, they are simply two or more yanderes helping each other to get the same darling and sharing them.)

Trapped in the tiger den

There is a very low (also none.) Chance of their darling escaping and even if they did it won't be for long. Given that they will tear Japan itself apart just to find them.

Out of the two mondo is the more impulsive one acting out of emotions rather than thinking things through first. (Now this doesn't happen all of the time but it is the outcome that will happen the most.)

They are very protective of their darling to the point of being overbearing and somewhat controlling.

Out of the two Daiya will be more manipulative than Mondo.

Daiya is also the calmer and more collected one working behind the scenes while Mondo is the one who will be up front and personal with the person he has to deal with.

Both are more possessive than obsessive although Daiya does show signs of being obsessive (like learning his darling's routine.)

They both will tear anyone apart for their darling.

It is impossible to turn them against each other so it's better to save your breath.

In the end they are not only the most dangerous yanderes to have but also very inescapable. Now they are not cruel bastards (at least not to their darling.) They can also be very sweet and kind. So as long as their darling lets them do what they mean to do. (Like protecting.) then all will be like a romance novel. All in all, they can be the worst yanderes to have or the best it all depends on their darling. 

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