Yandere Danganronpa v2 girls with a crush that seemingly disappeared

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Only to show up on the news fighting in a war zone

Akane Owari:

She had just about torn everything apart trying to find them. She did feel some guilt considering they were under her watch and now they were gone. It was during her search when she heard their voices on the TV. They were talking about a war to a reporter. She knew she had to do something to help them but she wasn't sure. She becomes frustrated that there really isn't anything she could do for them.

Chiaki Nanami:

She had been worried sick wondering where they could have gone. She hasn't heard of them moving and even if they were avoiding her, she would still know where they were. She was planning on where else she would look when she saw the news and her heart stopped. She knew there was nothing she could do but hope that they would come home alive.

Sonia Nevermind:

She knew actually we're her darling had gone and was already thinking of a way to get them back. She would most likely send some soldiers in to take them making it look like they had died. While everything was grieving, she had them all to herself safe and sounds.

Hiyoko Saionji:

She was frustrated and heartbroken that she couldn't find them. Then she saw the news report and saw them. Her frustration and heartache only grew knowing that there was nothing she could do. She could barely do basic tasks on her own... So how could she help them?

Ibuki Mioda:

Is silently (kind of) panicking. She's looking everywhere she can think of and then some. It's during one of those searches she gets a peek at the tv. She doesn't act like herself after she learns where they are and until her darling returns safe and sound, she will remain that way...a quite empty shell.

Mahiru Koizumi:

She's been worried since they disappeared. She's looked everywhere and was planning on what she should do next when she saw where they were. She panicked not knowing what to do if anything at all.

Mikan Tsumiki:

She was in a panic looking under every rock to get at least a hint at where they could be. When she saw the report, she was in turmoil. No one really sees her much until after her darling comes back. They too seemed to disappear again only this time they were in a different type of fight.

Peko Pekoyama:

She knew exactly where her darling was. She was already working on a way to get them back. She was going to get them back even if she herself has to enter the battlefield. 

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