Jealous Yandere Naga Nagito Komaeda

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It... will get messy very quickly.

Hissing threats at the person/Naga while keeping his darling close.

Now as soon as they are back home, he will swirl into one of his degrading rants.

No matter if it is a human or another Naga, he will not let them near his darling.

But if they ever do then there will be hell to pay for his darling is his and his alone.

After this he will try to get his darling to stay in their home more. In fact, they should both stay home so that no one bothers them. Isn't that great dear?

Of course, this isn't really possible given that he is the only one who can get food and water but that won't stop him from trying.

Will become way clingier after anyone tries something.

All in all, a jealous Naga nagito is a wrecked Naga nagito. Not only will the person or Naga that made him jealous soon disappear but his darling will just about go under full lock down for an unknown amount of time.

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