Zombie Danganronpa v2 girls finding their survivor darling

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Zombie Apocalypse AU

Once they see their darling for the first time after turning, they start to gain a bit of control.

Akane Owari:

She is ready to fight anyone, zombie or human, who tries to harm her darling. Given she does have the best movement anymore but she can still hold her own. As soon as she realizes what has happened, she instantly goes to her darling. While getting nearly crushed by a zombie was a big shock, she did prove that she doesn't want to eat them.

Chiaki Nanami:

She stays as close as she can to her darling. It's a 50/50 chance whether she shows herself to her darling or not. She does feel items for her darling like food and water. She does try to lead them in the right direction away from any hordes. All in all, she is a very efficient undead guardian angel.

Sonia Nevermind:

It's going to be like a romance movie, the two loves reunited after an unbelievable tragedy or that's how it is in her new found consciousness. At least now she doesn't have to worry about how she's going to get rid of someone. When her darling isn't looking, she is either going to infect and leave them, hurt them then leave them for a horde or simply rip them apart.

Hiyoko Saionji:

She will mostly just watch her darling from a far. Helping as much as she can from the shadows. She does still get jealous when others are around her darling and if they try anything she will infect them.

Ibuki Mioda:

She is just as clingy and protective as she was before. Her and her darling become quite a team although ibuki doesn't talk as much as she used to. She is more careful with her affections then again; she won't mind if her darling turns as will.

Mahiru Koizumi:

It's a mix of Sonia and ibuki. She is happy to see her darling again after so long and she's going to make it count. Even if her darling does turn, she will be by their side. Mindless as she once was, who knows maybe that will put her back into that state. Two shells walking around hand in hand as everything fades.

Mikan Tsumiki:

She could possibly help her darling with a cure but she may not let on that she knows it's possible for a while. She follows her darling for the longest time before making herself known. She definitely infects any human that comes near. There's a 50/50 chance of her infecting her darling.

Peko Pekoyama:

she can still protect her darling although her movements are slower now. She always seems to know where good food and water are. Very watchful of others when around her darling and will either infect them or slice them if they try anything.  

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