Their darling comforting them about what they've done (Isabella, Yuugo, Lucas)

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The Promised Neverland

(This could be set in modern time or in the demon world.)


And what is it they believe that she had done? to her knowledge she has done nothing wrong.

Even if they had something that says otherwise then she can easily explain it away.

If it was someone's word then they are just jealous of how close her and her darling are.

Everything can be explained away so simply it just had to be true.

After this all the 'evidence' seems to not be so concrete as it once was.


He hasn't done anything! And whoever says otherwise is a liar! Whatever they think they have is just something someone made to make him look bad!

The more his darling pushes the more he will start to panic blaming everything on someone else.

Him putting it on someone else could work. Whether they are the person doing the things that he was or that they were trying to turn his darling against him.

Either way he somehow 'proves' that he wasn't doing anything so horrible.

The evidence will soon disappear after and he is much more careful form than on.


But he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary. Is his darling sure they're not mistaken?

He truly believed he hadn't done anything wrong. If his darling shows him some of the time he has done it's just taken out of context.

If someone has said something then they just have it all wrong.

He truly meant no harm and everything was just a misunderstanding of sorts.

He more or less manages to sweet talk himself out of trouble without even realizing it. 

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