Zombie Danganronpa v3 girls finding their survivor darling

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Zombie Apocalypse AU

Once they see their darling for the first time after turning, they start to gain a bit of control.

Kaede Akamatsu:

It's like nothing ever happened. So, things may have gotten a bit more dangerous but nothing's going to stop her, not even being undead. She still tries to play for her darling although it isn't her best work, she's still happy she can play for them.

Angie Yonaga:

It appears Atua has brought the lovers back together. She mostly just follows her darling around believing that all is well now that the two are together back. Reather her darling becomes infected or not it's up to Atua to decide. Witch has a 70/ 30 chance of happening so her darling may want to keep an eye on her since she always seems to know where they are.

Himiko Yumeno:

She just stays very close to her darling, not doing much else. She does hint at her magic fixing everything but that has yet to be seen.

Kirumi Tojo:

Just like before her darling doesn't really have to do anything. Kirumi already knows of a safe place to stay that has everything they will need. She will keep away any would be trespassers, zombie or human. Her darling is basically in a safe bubble away from everything. So out of everyone kirumi's darling really has it the easiest.

Maki Harukawa:

It's just like before, with maki watching over her darling and keeping everything (meaning harm or not.) away from them. It's almost like they are the only two left in the world. There always seems to be more food and water the next morning.

Miu Iruma:

She has gotten more... creative with what she makes but it does take longer. She does try to keep them in one spot both so she can work and makes it less likely they would get separated.

Tenko Chabashira:

Will she does well with keeping her darling safe. She does just as she did before to keep her darling safe. She is very careful not to infect her darling with how excitable she is.

Tsumugi Shirogane:

She just kind of watches over her darling or at least that's how she makes it look. Truth be told she's slowly getting rid of everything that seems to harm her darling until they are truly the last one left. 

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