Courier & Swindler

10 1 0

Akudama drive

A perfect balance

They more or less balance each other out (which doesn't happen very often with most team ups.)

Both get very jealous quite easily however courier takes care of it in a quieter manner than swindler does. Swindler will try to get the person she is jealous of away from her darling while courier just keeps an eye on the person.

Now swindler is always tooth rottenly sweet to their darling so when courier sees this, he tries to be sweet as well or at least softer to their darling.

Now with those two there is a higher chance of them taking their darling then if it was just one of them.

This being said both can be selfish with their darling, always wanting them for themselves.

Both can be overprotective but can hide it will. For example, making well placed comments making their darling believe it would be better to stay home then going out in the big dangerous city.

Now since swindler is always around their darling whenever courier is away, she always keeps them updated on things.

In the end out of many team ups this one is one of the more efficient sides. Since both have a hidden mask it's not hard for them to keep their darling close. Now because of this they are a lot calmer than most however they can be very deadly when given the chance. 

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