Platonic Best Friend Yandere: Satori Tendo

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Ever since they were younger, Tendo would always cling to his best friend.

They were the only ones that were ever actually nice to him so he never wanted to lose them. (Even if it was just once.)

Since day one He is basically their only friend. It's not like he won't allow them to have more friends, it's just he needs to make sure they have the right qualities (which they never do.)

The only person he will even consider to let be their other friend is Ushijima. (He can never be their best friend though.)

He is still very protective over them.

He still wants quite a bit of their attention most if not all of the time.

He is around them 24/7 whether they want him to or not.

If they do get a partner, he is going to give the partner hell. 

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