Blue eyes - chapter 88

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1 day before we leave

Me and Louise just finished decorating and laying flowers on my dad's grave and now we were getting icecream at scoops. "Smile lou lou" I said to her as I took a self with out giant piled up ice creams. I opened my twitter and saw tonnes of tags. 'No way you have a kid!' And 'is this shit true?! You're too young!' This is why I didn't tell anyone about this too, I know I'm young and I should be living a free life but I wouldn't give up Louise for the life of me. I posted the picture on twitter with the caption. "Guys it's true, Louise is my little girl that I have hid away for four years. I know I'm young but I wouldn't have it any other way" I clicked tweet and within seconds my phone was going mad. "Right let's eat our ice cream and then-" my phone began ringing so I answered. "Hello?" I quizzed, Louise was scoffing down her icecream quickly and was giggling and listening to the music in the back ground. "You are such a bitch" luke whined on the other side, i could tell he was joking but I took a little mouth full of icecream. "What's wrong luke?" I giggled. " have ice cream and I don't. I want ice cream too mummy." He pinned, I looked at Louise who suddenly dropped her plastic spoon and held her head with both hand. "MUMMY BRAIN FREEZE!"  She exclaimed loudly. "Well don't eat it so fast munchkin." I giggled and kissed her forehead. "I'm still here." Luke huffed. "Well daddy I guess you'll have to come and meet us, we will be waiting." I said with a little piece of ice cream in my mouth. "No I can't leave the radio station, fuck sake." He groaned, I watched Louise start eating mine cause she finished her own. "Oi! That's mine!" I whinged. I saw her face drop so I halfed my wafer sandwich. "Thanks mama" she laughed. "I wish I could bring you ice cream but you're busy-" I began but was soon cut of by luke. "I'm at the radio 1 studio, please bring me something. You and Louise can come see me, please." He pleaded. "Fine, only because we love you...Louise did you eat all of mine too?!" I quickly questioned. "Yeah! It was melting" she giggled. "Aw did she eat your ice cream?" Luke teased. "Fuck you"

~°~°~°~ ° ~

I arrived at the radio station with Louise, she looked so cute today and I was glad she hadn't spilt ice cream all over her self. "Babe" luke squeaked, he ran up and stole the icecream cone from my hand. The scoops shop was like 3 minutes away from the ice cream parlour and thank god. "Daddy why are we here?" Louise yawned, luke knelt down and kissed her nose. "Daddy's working and he really wanted to see you, I also needed ice cream." He admitted, she hugged luke and he picked her up so she was on his hip. "Oh i'll just go then, seeing as you didn't want to see me." I spoke with a huge amount of sarcasm, I slowly walked away went luke grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him. I was inches away from his lips and I looked into his eyes. "I needed a kiss from you."  He said barley above a whisper. He leaned down and kissed me softly, his tongue ran across my bottom lip but I denied him access. "Later luke" I whispered, the 3 boys came running down the hall but they were unusually quiet. "Hi beth." Ashton whispered, luke let go of me and we both faced them. "Why are you whispering? " I giggled only to be shushed rudely. "Louise is sleeping on luke." Mikey cooed. I looked over lukes shoulder as he scoffed his ice cream down quickly. "I should probably take her back." I went to go pick her up but luke held her firmly. "No I want you two here, she can sleep on the sofa." He chuckled, I smiled and walked with him and the boys. "She is so-" He was cut off by Louise snoring loudly. "Loud? Or drooling? " I pointed out. "Ew gross! Beth she's drooling on me." Luke squirmed, I giggled and laid her on the sofa outside the room. "Right go do your thingy and I will stay here with Louise." I sat on the space left on the soft couch, luke leaned down and kissed me softly and passionately. "Mm did you ha en mint ice cream?" He questioned quietly. "Yeah, it's my favourite. Now go. I love you." I let out a small laugh and kissed him again quickly. "Woo! What's going on here then lukey?" Dan howel teased, we all shushed him and pointed to Louise, she stirred a little and soon settled her head on my lap.  "Aww who's this little cutie pie?" Dan cooed, I stroked some hair off her face and smiled down at her. "That's beth" luke mumbled, mike laughed and patted lukes back. "He was talking about the little cutie on her lap." Luke blushed and let out a nervous laugh, I looked at lukes pled face and smiled. "This is Louise, I doubt you ever been on twitter today so I will let you find the rest out on your own." I looked back at Louise who's eyes began to flutter open. "Hello munchkin." I whispered to her, she was wide awake and smiling with those god Damn adorable dimples and perfect little teeth. "Mum, when are we going home?" She pondered with at large smile. "Soon, why don't you play on my phone." I passed her my phone and she began playing crossy roads. Phil left the recording room to and awwed at Louise. "She's so cut- is that crossy roads?!" He exclaimed and sat between us, I got up and watched as Louise and Phil got lost in the game. "Sorry about him, he likes crossy roads." Dan apologised. I pulled out the camera from my bag and took an adorable photo of the two of them. "So who are you then?" Dan asked as he scooped closer to me. "Hi I'm beth, I already know who you both are." I muttered. And placed my camera back in my bag and looked up at him. "Oh you're that beth, me and Phil love your sketches." He chuckled nervously, luke wrapped his arms round my waist and leaned his head on my shoulder. "She's my girlfriend." Luke giggled and kissed my cheek. "Aww, you're both very cute." He chuckled. Louise passed me my phone and clung to lukes leg. "Is she yours? You look really young." Dan pointed out. "Well I'm happy to be called young, I'm only 21 nearly 22." I laughed, his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. "You're quite young then" He gasped, I felt a little bit hurt by how everyone though that I was too young to have a child and that I was too young to have a boyfriend. "Right guys, we need to go and play inuendo bingo!" Phil clapped his hands together and luke left me, I then realised that Louise had hold of his leg. "Louise let go, be a good girl for mummy." Luke smiled sweetly at her, she let go and ran over to me quickly. "Let's wait for them, then we will go home." I kissed her nose.

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