Blue eyes - chapter 116

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Louise pov

"I love you." I whispered to harry as we cuddled in my warn quilt. I told him what wad wrong and he made it all better by assuring me it won't happen again because he won't let it. "I love you more Louise. " He yawned and pulled me closer. "Harry, as much as I love you I hate the fact my door is no longer attached to the hinges" I sleepily mumbled, he let a tired laugh escape his mouth and looked at the door that was on the floor. "I never like that door." He sleepily muttered. I closed my eyes and snuggled into him. "Harry an- Woah! " I heard mike say from the doorway, I was too tired to talk so u decided to let the sleep take me away from reality.

Harrys pov

"Aww you're so cute" Mikey awwed at lou as she slept soundly. "I got the door open and she's okay now" I spoke quietly, Mikey came sat behind her and kissed the back of her head. "Sorry lou " mike mumbled, she began to stir a little but after a few moments settled back down so she was facing Michael. "You know luke wouldn't be happy to see you and her in the same bed, right?" Mike pointed out, I wrapped my arms round Louises waist and shuffled closer to her. "Well I promised i wouldn't leave her side and If I do I will only be having a piss. Michael she's really scared." I sighed and rested my head on her shoulder, mike looked up from her to me with confusion. "Of what? she sorted out that guy so she has nothing to be scared of." He said a little loudly, Louise pulled the pillow over her face and laid on her back. "Shh, go back to sleep." I whispered, I watched as her grip on the pillow loosened until she was no longer scrunching the case up in her hand, I peeled the pillow away to see her peacefully sleeping. "That's the problem, she doesn't remember hurting him because she got angry and blanked out. She's not scared of him but she's scared of herself." As soon as those words left my mouth Michael laid down beside her and pecked her cheek. "What do you mean she blacked out?" He whispered. "I mean the last thing she remembers was trying to stop calum, then she said she looked at the floor and saw the guy on the floor and her hands were all bruised and her stomach hurt." I said quietly, mike sat up and ran his finger over her bruise which made her eyebrows furrow together. "Ow" she mumbled, Micheal retracted his hand and smiled sadly. "Sorry" He whispered, she rolled over so she was sleeping on my chest and snuggled into me. "Hey Mike we're gonna play fi- oh shit what happened to the door?" Calum chuckled, I stroked Louises hair and played with the ends of it. "Harry kicked it off the hinges, call Ashton up here, we're gonna have a group hug." Mike suggested, I looked at Louise who was deeply sleeping, her right hand rested on top of my shoulder and her left one was under my shoulder and hugging it lightly. "Don't you all climb on me" I said quietly. Before I knew it we were all in the bed and drifting off fast. "Night lou, love you" I whispered and kissed her hair. "Awww" everyone said quietly, I was blushing a little but I pulled the covers up to keep us both warm.


Louises pov.

I felt two arms holding me loosely and the slight sound of snoring. I opened my eyes to be greeted with the warm sun and the sound of the ocean. I rolled over and saw everyone in my bed, I quickly got off harry and ran back to the closet. I hid behind all my clothes and tried to calm my breathing down. 'Did I black out again?' Or 'did I hurt them?!' I though, my body was shaking and my mind was racing with these thoughts. "L..lou? Guys where's Louise? " I heard harry mutter. "I dunno, LOUISE!" Mike called out for me but I was frozen to the spot. I heard the shuffling of feet and saw haz standing in the door way. "What are you doing in here?" He sighed. I shook my head and moved closer to the wall. "Lou what's happened?" He sat beside me and hugged me from the side. "I don't know. D..did I black out again?" I asked with panic lacing my voice, he looked at me with a sad smile and kissed me Softly. "No why would you think that?" He chuckled, I looked at my hands and felt tears fall from my eyes. "Because I don't remember the guys being in my room, I don't remember laying on you and they weren't moving.." I said quickly, I heard footsteps approach the closet and when I looked up I saw three conserned uncles. "You didn't hurt us Louise, you were asleep and we all came to stay and make sure you're okay." Ash crouched down infront of me and cupped my face in his hands. "You were just asleep." I moved a little because his hand was pressing on my bruise. "Ow!" I hissed and put my own hand on my throat. "Sorry, does it still hurt?" He asked, I nodded and rested my head on a box. "Not as bad as it did though." I mumbled, Ashton grabbed my bruised wrist to get the same result of me hissing in pain. "That one really hurts" I felt tears slip out my eyes as I said that. "You need to get these checked out. Come on you're going to the hospital" Calum cooed. "No." I said quickly. "I don't wanna leave the house don't make me leave" I panicked, Harry hugged me again and swayed a little. "We won't let anything happen to you, I promise." Harry soothed, I was still uneasy about the idea but I was in a lot of pain. "Okay, I'll go but I need to get dressed." I said with uncertainty in my voice. They all smiled and looked at me. "That means you guys need to leave, please" I smiled. They All took the hint except harry and stepped out my room. "Harry what you still doing here?" I asked  as I searched for my black skinny jeans. "I've seen you naked so it doesn't matter if I stay or leave." He mumbled. "That's true I guess, can you help me find my nirvana top babe?" I asked him, he laughed and stood beside me. "You left it at mine the other day baby" I laughed a little and then looked for another. I decided on my guns n roses ripped top with a black and white over shirt. "I think you should wear these." I heard harry say from behind me, I turned round with the pile of clothes in my hand to see him holding up my black and red lacey lingerie. "Harry don't go through my draws, I could've had a diary in there or something else lame." I scolded. "But I know where you keep your undies babe, plus the draw had a bra strap trapped in it." He argued, I took the underwear from his hands on added it to the pile of clothes. "Fine. Can you pass me some socks? They're in the draw below." I said with a little laugh. "Okay sexy" He wiggled his eyebrows and grabbed me some black socks. "Thanks now you need to leave too." I smiled. "What?! No fair! If I stay I'll be quiet." He whined, I pointed to the door and he left with his head hanging low. "You're a real tease, you know that?" He said before he left the closet, I heard a flop on my matress and a sigh. I pulled of my pyjamas and underwear quickly so I could get into my clothes and back to Mr moany pants. I pulled on my underwear and pulled my bra straps on, I decided to be really mean as I couldn't do up my bra. "Babe come here a second." I called, he came trudging in until he saw me in holding up my bra to my chest. "Can you do this up?" I asked with a little smile. He spun me around and kissed my neck from behind. "Of course." He growled, I felt his hand run up the back of my thigh to me ass, he gave it a squeeze before slowly going up my back. "H..harry just..hurry up and do it up." I breathed, he clipped it together and placed one final kiss on my neck. "There you go, babe can I stay now?" He asked quietly. "Yes, I suppose."


I was in the room alone as the nurse inspected my injuries. "It appears you have damage to your air ways and you may have a cracked bone in your wrist but we will send it off for x rays. I have to ask as part of my job but...did somebody do this to you?" She asked. "I can't remember." I muttered. "If you tell us then we can hel-" "No I honestly blanked out because I got angry, it's happened alot lately." I looked at my hands and played with my thumbs. "Okay, well when you say blanked out, what do you mean?" She began scribbling notes down as I explained.


Beth pov

"Hey guys, how's Louise?" Luke asked, I just laid there with my back to everyone, there was the sound of shuffling of chairs and then someone patted my leg, I moved it away quickly and pulled the blanket up higher. "She's here, she's getting her wrist examined in A&E." Ashton spoke quietly, I felt someone hugging me from behind and squeezed me a little. "Come on grumpy pants, cheer up." Michael joked, I pulled his hands of my stomach and shook my head. "Don't touch me." I sniffed, Mikey moved away and sat in his chair beside the bed. "Well be like that." He huffed. "We were gonna tell you some news a few days ago, but..." Luke stopped and took a deep breath. "We were having another baby" lukes voice cracked, I had to stop myself from crying anymore, I had a cracked rib and I really hurt when I cried. "Were? What do you mean?" Calum began to panic. " the kicks and blows beth took to her stomach meant...The baby didn't make it." Lukes voice cracked again and this time I felt tears falling fast down my face too. "We're sorry guys, is there anything we can do?" Ashton asked, I rolled over and cuddled up to luke. "No, not really. Louise is gonna be upset too." I sniffled, luke kissed the top of my head and shushed me. "I'll be upset about what?" I heard Louise say from the foot of my bed.

Louise pov

Mum was crying, dad was crying and the boys were crying too. "Louise sit down penguin." My dad soothed. I felt annoyance in my system and let go of harrys hand. "Not till you tell me what the hell is going on!" I spoke loudly, my mum wiped her eyes and looked up at my dad. "Your mum miscarried, I'm sorry" those words made me lose control all over again. "Excuse me a minute" I said calmly and left the room. I ran down to the front desk and looked at the receptionist. "What room is Mr Mark dickinson in?" I asked calmly, the woman looked at me and smile. "Are you a relitive? " She asked. "A close friend." I was told the room and floor and quickly made my way up to the ward, every step I took I became more angry and more upset. "Louise stop" I heard someone call but I couldn't stop myself from walking or calm myself down. I stormed into the room where the man laid eating his lunch. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DON?!?!" I screamed, he smiled and placed his plate down with one hand, his other was handcuffed to the bed. "Enlighten me." He smirked. I went to punch him when he grabbed my wrist. "Don't do something you'll regret, I can hurt you twice as much" He tutted at me and threw my hand down. "My mum miscarried because of you!" I yelled in his face. He let out a happy laugh and soon stopped. I threw punched as hard as I could and took some too. "Louise stop!" I was grabbed by harry tightly so I couldn't wriggle free. "Listen to your boyfriend little girl." The man coughed, I carried on trying to wriggle free of his hold but it was no use. After about 15 minutes of trying I began to get control again. "What? What are you doing here?" I asked as I looked over and the man laying on the hospital bed with a bleeding nose. "Louise let's get you home." Harry hushed and pulled me with him out the room. "Harry I need to go see my mum" I told him. "No you're not in the right frame of mind." He mumbled, I felt pain in my arms and stomach before I realised what happened. "I told you I didn't wanna leave the house I told you It would happen again didn't I? Nobody listened to me!" I exclaimed, harrys grip tightened again and he kissed my head. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Louise. Let's go see your mum and go home." He sighed, I was quiet for a moment as I thought about it all. "Just don't tell anyone what happened, please harry." I begged, he picked me up bridal style and smiled. "I won't tell them anything, because nothing happened." I leaned up and kissed him softly. "Thanks babe" we went to my mums room and I was carried in. "Sorry I ran out mum, I was a little upset." I looked over at harry who nodded at me. "It's okay sweetie, I just need cheering up and you're quite funny." She smiled, I went over and hugged her tightly.

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