Blue eyes - chapter 64

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I got in the bath with the giant waterproof cover on my leg cast, my arm was out the water and brushing though my hair. *knocking* "I'm in the bath, don't come in" I called to whom ever it was. "Beth it's mike, I really need to pee so hurry up!" He whined, I groaned and stood up. "Fine, wait two minutes." I sighed, he made a whining sound and thumped the door. I covered my small frame in a baby blue towel and tossed my dirty laundry in the hamper, I hopped over to the door and pulled it open. "Thanks" mike said before pulling me out the room and slamming the door behind him. "You're welcome(!)" I sighed and hopped to the bedroom, I pulled on on of my many nightshirts. *knocking* fuck sake! "Wait two minutes I'm getting dressed" I called to them as I took off the nightshirt and put on my underwear, I put on another one that was more comfortable and hopped to the door. "Mikey what's up?" I said popping the p. "Sorry for disturbing your bath." He said as he pulled me in for a hug, I was shocked at first but then I hugged him back. "It's fine, why are you lot acting so weird?" I giggled, mike pulled away and smiled a small smile. "We missed you munchkin, we don't know what we would have done know" He said glumly and looked at the floor, I smiled and lifted his head up in both my hands. "Hey, I'm tough and still here. Now let's go down stairs have a drink and watch a film." I giggled, a big grin grew on his face and he picked me up. "I like that idea a lot, but no hookah" He instructed. He carried me bridal style downstairs to the balcony with everyone else. "I promise mike." I smiled sweetly and hopped back inside, I grabbed my bag and hopped back to everyone. "Right I'm back" I panted, they all looked at me and smiled. "Good. We were trying to think about what we should watch." Ashton said as he clicked on Netflix on my laptop. "Beth, why are all the films you watch horror? Like seriously twisted horror?" Calum said as he turned to me, I giggled and grabbed my laptop. "This stuff is tame, plus I don't see a problem" I smiled as I looked through the list of films to watch. "You watched the human centipede, that's not tame!" Ashton exclaimed, I giggled and carried on reading through not taking my eyes of the screen. "No it is, you guys haven't seen half the films I like." I mumbled, I clicked on and tv series they'd probably like, the inbetweeners. "Ever seen this?" I asked them as I passed calum the laptop. "Nope. What is it?" He asked in a worried voice. "Oh jesus! It's a comic that you might like." I said as I rummaged through my bag for my packet of cigarettes, I found them and pulled on out placing it in between my lips. I rummaged through looking for a lighter and soon found that too. "You said no smoking!" Mike whined, pulled the cigarette out of my mouth. "I said no hookah not no smoking, now shush.." I placed the cigarette back in my mouth and picked up my lighter. "I'm trying to watch this" I mumbled and lit my fag.


The whole night was funny and it was all thanks to the inbetweeners show, we got to the end of the one where Simon goes to lose his virginity and the boys all laughed, I was sat at the back with a bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other trying not to die of laughter. "Oh my god! Luke is so Neil! " Ashton giggled. "No I'm like simon, wait no im not because I know how to have sex and I have better hair." Luke stammered. "Beth, name us as inbetweeners." Ashton nudged. "Okay well mike is Neil, Ashton is will, calum is Jay because no way has he fuckers half the girls he says he has and lukey is Simon." I smiled and looked at luke. "Is it because he's shit in bed and slaps his cock?" Mike giggled. "No because Simon is cute and is adorable, he gets all confused and messes up sentences quite a lot too but I love you luke" I smiled at him, he blushed and looked down. "I love you too" He mumbled, the boys laughed and pinched his Red cheeks. "Lukes blushing, does luke have a boner talking to the pretty girl?" Calum teased as he quoted Jay. "No, shut up!" Luke whined, I giggled and took one final puff and put of my cigarette. I rummaged through my bag for the mints and found the final pack in my bag, I swallowed 1 before nibbling on the others. "Let's play truth or dare!" Calum said in a evil voice. "Okay" we all said in unison, I was pulled onto the same chair as luke as we snuggled close.

"Okay Ashton first." Calum said. Ashton chose dare and he had to give mike a lap dance, it was very funny and very uncomfortable for mike. "Beth truth or date? " Ashton giggled. "Dare, oh god I'm regretting this already." I groaned. "I dare you to sent a nude to one of your contacts. I sighed and grabbed my phone and selected one of the old nudes I'd sent luke and resent it. *buzz* "Oh wait a minute I have a text, probably my mum." Luke said as he picked up his phone, his eyes widened and I felt him harden. "That's not my mum" I mumbled as he stared at the picture. "Okay luke enough" I said as I grabbed his phone and stuffed it in my bra. "Oh god" luke said as he stared at my boobs. "Luke truth or dare?" I asked him with a smirk. "Dare" He said slowly. "I dare you to... give beth a hicky, a massive one too." Mike said with a devilish smile, luke began ducking harshly on my neck and biting down hard, I bit my lip to hold back my moans when finally he pulled off me. "Oh shit!That's gonna hurt in the morning." Calum giggled. *buzz* lukes phone was ringing in my bra, I quickly pulled it out and chucked it to him. "Why's your phone on vibrate?!" I exclaimed, he chuckled and answered it. I was picked up and put back down so luke could walk inside and take his call. "Did he have a boner?" Calum said as he looked between luke and then us. "Yeah, shh" I whispered. The boys sniggered but then calum stopped. "But I think I'd have a hard on if I saw you naked" all the boys stopped and I looked at me with curious faces. "I'm not letting you see me naked." I yelled at them, luke looked at me and laughed. "Well we'll see" mike said, I frowned and slumped back in my seat. "Right let's carry on mike tod?" I asked. "Truth" He said quickly. "What would you rather : snog Ashton or lick a dogs arse?" I giggled. "Eww! I'd snog ash" He groaned. It was my turn again now and luke was back cuddling me. "Dare" I giggled, lukes hands grabbed my ass and squeezed. "I dare you to send us nudes" luke shook his head against my back. "Okay" an idea came into my head, when luke was on tour we'd send each other nudes so I'd just send one of his, I'm sure he won't mind. *buzzing and message tones* the boys quickly picked up their phones and unlocked. "Aghh! " They screamed as they dropped their phones. "That's not funny!" Mike shouted, I giggled and leaned back into luke. "You said nudes, you didn't say they had to be mine." I said smugly, luke turned my head so I was facing him. "Wait what do you mean?" He laughed. "Mate she sent us your nudes, I need therapy beth" Ashton said rubbing his eyes. "Babe" luke whined, I giggled and turned round so I was facing him. "Would you rather they see me naked?" I whispered to him. "Well no but-" He started, I kissed him quickly and then looked at him. "Well there you go then" I mumbled he went to kiss my neck but I moved his head back up. "No, don't kiss my neck it really hurts." I whined. The boys laughed and poked it. "Ow! Stop it!" I whined, luke smirked and kissed my lips. "Sorry" He mumbled before he grabbed my hips. "Mm I can tell you're sorry."I mumbled against his lips. "Okay well we have to go, well see our selves out." Calum shuddered. The boys all left and said goodbye. "Bedroom?" Luke asked. "God yes" I said quickly.

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