Blue eyes - chapter 59

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I woke up to somebody stoking my hair, I opened my eyes to see luke watching me. "Hi" I groaned and smiled, he smiled and kissed my forehead. "Hi beautiful" He whispered, I looked at the clock on the wall and saw 6:30 pm. "Oh shit! I have to cook the kids tea-" I started but was cut off quickly. "I ordered them Chinese food and they are eating it in the music room with everyone else." He smiled, I exhaled and placed my hand on his cheek. "Thanks baby, did I get anything?" I asked cheekily. "Yeah I got you some egg fried rice and sweet and sour sauce." Luke smirked, I sat so I was straddling his lap. "Thankyou, after y years and you still remember my favourite food." I smiled sweetly, we both shared a sweet gentle kiss until..."Beth the kids want you - oh sorry" Calum giggled after he saw us kissing, I pulled away and blushed. "I'm gonna get cleaned up, tell them I'll be in soon" I said sweetly as I climbed off luke and messed up his hair. "Hey! Beth!" Luke whined.


I was in my nightshirt with my hair plaited to the side and flowers in my hair. I looked at the other flowery clips I had and picked one up for Louise. I made my way to the music room to see my baby's, I opened the door to see ash behind my drum kit. "Ashton fletcher irwin, what do you think you're doing?!" He looked up at me and placed the sticks down. "N..nothing beth." He stuttered and looked towards lukes brothers. "Ash I could hear you playing them" I smiled, he looked towards the kids for help but they didn't at anything. "Ash your drumming is weak, move out the way." I giggled, Ashton passed me the sticks and moved off the stool. "Louise, come here a minute please" I smiled at her, she came running up to me with a big smile on her face and glittering eyes. "I got you something, something pretty like you" I whispered to her, she blushed and smiled even more. I plated the flowers in her hair like mine. "Pretty little flowers for my pretty little girl." I whispered to her, as soon as I was done she hugged me tightly. "Thanks mummy, you're the best" she mumbled, I sent her to go and sit back with her family. "Mum do the warm up thing" Danny exclaimed, I twirled the sticks and looked at him. "Fine but I may be a little rusty" I giggled, Danny carried in eating his diner as I hit the fuck out the drums, I played a random rapid tune until I couldn't think of anymore. "Like that?" I panted to Daniel. "Yeah that" He chuckled, his smile held those deep dimples that made my heart melt. "Right, something less bangy and tiring" I smiled and blew a pice of hair out my face. "Bass battle" Calum smirked, I fell off the stool laughing at how childish they were being. "Bring it biatch" I said with stifled laughter. I picked up my favourite bass out of the three and tuned it by ear. "I'm gonna beat your ass" Calum sassed. "Oh it's on like donkey kong" I snapped my fingers and pulled the strap over my shoulder. After 5 minutes of playing we had stopped. "Kids who won?" Calum asked them. "Mummy" they both laughed, calum picked me up over his shoulder and spun me around. "She cheated" Calum moaned. "Did not" I giggled. He chucked me on lukes lap. "Hi there" I smirked. "Hey" He chuckled, he felt a little cold so I cuddled him. "You feel cold, are you cold?" I asked him quietly. "No I feel fine" He whispered back. I looked at the clock at then stood up. "Right kids bed time. Say good night to everyone" I said sweetly. "Night everyone" they droned. They both dived on luke and squeezed him. "Night dad" they mumbled, luke kissed the tops of their heads and stroked Louises hair. "Night guys, I love you" He whispered in there ears. They kissed lukes cheek and raced off to their rooms. "Luke you get danny and I'll get Louise." I smiled with big puppy eyes. "Stop giving me those eyes, you know I can't say no to those eyes" luke whined, I giggled and shook my head. "I'm joking, I've got this. Watch these guys but no loud guitar playing and no drums." I pointed at them all before walking out. There was a rainstorm outside and I could see Louise was scared. "Honey it's out there, It can't hurt you if you're in here because I won't let anything hurt you sweet heart" I sat on her bed and kissed her all over. "Sing to me please" she whimpered. I tucked her in and gave her the teddy bear. "
Lights out,
I still hear the rain,
These images that fill my head,
Now keep my fingers from making mistakes,
Tell my voice what it takes,
To speak up,
Speak up,
and keep my conscience clean when I wake.

Don't make this easy,
I want you to mean it,
Jasey. (say you'll mean it)
You're dressed to kill,
I'm calling you out, (don't waste your time on me)

Now there's an aching in my back;
a stabbing pain that says I lack,
the common sense and confidence,
to bring an end to promises,
that I make in times of desperate conversation,
hoping my night could be better than theirs in the end.
Just say when.

Don't make this easy,
I want you to mean it,
Jasey. (say you'll mean it)
You're dressed to kill,
I'm calling you out, (don't waste your time on me)

I've never told a lie,
and that makes me a liar,
I've never made a bet,
but we gamble with desire,
I've never lit a match,
with intent to start a fire,
but recently the flames,
are getting out of control.
Call me a name,
Kill me with words,
Forget about me,
It's what I deserve,
I was your chance,
to get out of this town,
but I ditched the car,
and left you to,

Wait outside,
I hope the air will serve to remind you,
that my heart is as cold as the clouds of your breath,
and my words are as timed as the beating in my chest." I sang soothingly to her, she smiled with sleep filled eyes and snuggled up. "Night angel I love you." I whispered to her. "I love you too mommy" "to the moon and back" we both whispered to each other. I closed her curtains and turned on her night lights and fairy lights. I left the room and heard luke singing to dan. I peeked my head round the door and luke was sat singing teenage dirt bag to dan, I smiled and came and sat by luke and sang along.


I was sat in the music room having a quiet drink with everyone, we were all sat in a circle having a laugh and catching up. "So beth, why did you hide away from us?" I looked at luke quickly and then at the floor. "We had a problems and I ran away from them" is all I said, luke pulled me on his lap and cuddled me. "Thankyou" He whispered in my ear. "So you stopped smoking?" Mike said with a smile, I hit a wall of craving for cigarettes now. "No I haven't but now you reminded..." I trailed off and ran to my room, I went in my closet and grabbed my hookah.


"Just try it, it won't kill you" I giggled to jack. "No plus it's nearly finished, you have it." He stuttered, I puffed in more smoke and blew out smoke rings. "jack t..tell Mikey that funny story about why lukes called wankstain." I giggled, luke groaned and hugged me from behind. "Luke was telling us about some girl before he met up with you guys to go to the beach, he was talking about her eyes and 'beautiful hair' and he got a stiffy." Ben sniggered, me and the boys laughed. I was half way through laughing when lukes lips attacked my neck. "Luke stop it." I gasped. "Nope, you laughed at me" He mumbled against my skin. "Ew luke leave her alone or do we have to tell them the story about your Internet history" jack giggled, luke moved off me and hid his blushing face. "Aw leave him alone, he's not being mean to you" I cooed, I laid my head on lukes lap and my legs across calum and Ashton. "Nice legs" Ashton giggled, I shifted so I was faced away from luke, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. My sleep wasn't long because I felt a stinging on my leg. "Mother fuckers!" I groaned and moved my hand to the cut that was stinging. "Sorry I was just seeing if your leg was ok" luke said quietly as he kissed my head. "I'm gonna go to bed" I yawned as I stood up. "Wake me kids and I'll be at you lot up too" I sleepily laughed. "Night babe" luke said quietly. "Night babe" I said back with a smile.

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