Blue eyes - chapter 67

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6 weeks later

I very rarely get the dreams anymore but when they hit me they hit me hard, it usually happens if someone talks about kids or if one of the guys say I'm mothering them. Last night for instance was one of those incidents and I had the horrible dreams. [Que shudder here]


"Come on beth, time to get up" Ashton said as he pulled me out of bed and threw me over his shoulder, I was still asleep and a dead weight. "Jesus Christ, wake up!" Ashton whined. "I don't want to go to school" I mumbled sleepily, the boys let out a small laugh and ash placed me on the sofa. "Time to get up" luke whispered. "5 more minutes" I whined and rolled over, into the back of the couch. "Get up you lazy shit!" Mike shouted, I sat up and threw a cushion at him. "FUCK OFF AND LET ME SLEEP!" I yelled, everyone looked at me with scared eyes and sat down. "I'm sorry guys, I ..I didn't sleep well." I mumbled, I went and cuddled Ashton who looked like he was gonna shit his pants. "Those dreams again?" Luke asked from behind me, I nodded and then cuddled Mikey. "just tell me what they're about, maybe I can help" luke pleaded, I pulled away and cuddled calum. "No" I whined, calum squeezed me tightly and stroked my messy hair. "Don't be angry at us ever again, you're scary when you're angry" Calum said in a baby voice, I giggled and pinched his cheeks. "Sorry" I mouthed, finally I Went and sat on lukes lap and hugged him. "Why? Just tell me" He whinged, I pulled apart and walked back up stairs. "No luke, now drop it" I called back to him from halfway up the stairs. "Please?" He begged. I put up my middle finger and turned the corner in the corridor. "IF YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT I'M LEAVING AND NEVER COME BACK" I called to him in a stern voice. I went in the bathroom and got ready to go the the beach by myself, I decided to leave the boys Here so I could be alone with my thoughts.


It was 6 pm and all day I had been say in the edge of the pier kicking my legs over the edge and looked in the deep blue water below me. The thoughts flowing freely and me allowing myself to get lost in them, mainly the children. "Mummy?" I looked around and saw nobody there, I laid back on the beach and put my hands over my face. "Fuck sake, I'm going mad" I whispered, I closed my eyes and tried to block the thoughts and dreams that wanted to escape my brain. The little children just kept running around playing instruments and singing. I felt a few tears slip out my eyes before I was engulfed in my own sleep.


{Luke pov}

"Guys if I ask beth, do you wanna stay over? It's like 2 am anyways" I chuckled, we hadn't seen beth all day since she told me off about pestering her. "Yeah sure" they all said in unison, I put down my remote and ran upstairs. I knocked on the bedroom door and waited for her to answer. "Babe? Can the boy-" I stopped as I opened the bedroom to see an empty, dark room. I ran and checked every room in the house before running downstairs. "Guys she's not here" I panted, they all looked worried and began getting their shoes on quickly. "Okay let's drive around and look for her." Ashton said breathlessly, I grabbed the car keys and we all ran out the door. {In the car} we were looking out all windows and driving down every street and looking high and low. We were on our way back when calum decided we should look on the beach. "Right let's all stay together and if we find beth shout each other. " Ashton stated firmly. "Come on guys let's go" I sighed and walked out the car. We all ran to sandy beach and looked along the beach line. "LUKE! Look!" Mike said pointing to the pier, I could see two legs dangling over the edge. "Shit, is that her?!" I exclaimed, we all ran up towards the pier, the cold harsh wind blew against us. "Fucking hell it's cold." Mikey shuddered, we reached the end of the pier and saw a lady lying down with her hair covering her face. "Beth?" I called, the person didn't move. We slowly walked up the old pier and carefully made our way towards the motionless person. It was beth. "Fuck! Beth, can you hear me?" I said in a highly panicked tone.

{Beth pov}

"Beth wake up!" I was being violently shook. I opened my eyes to see luke and Ashton lent over me. "Wh..Why's it so cold?" I mumbled and sat up, I saw I was on the black beach and the baby blue water was now black. "What the hell are you doing out here at three in the fucking morning?!" Luke yelled. "Is it really 3am? Shit I must have fallen asleep around 6 I'm sorry." I mumbled , luke scolded at me and then passed the guys the house keys. "We will see you boys back at the flat." He said bluntly, the boys gave me sympathetic eyes and left is alone. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You don't talk to me and you're acting weird, talk to me." He begged, there was no way out of this anymore. "Luke I don't want to talk about it." I stated firmly as tears Pooled in my eyes."Why are you being like this?" I stood up so I was to his level and pulled my hand through my hair. "Like what? Luke I'm not being like anything." I said with an breathy laugh. "Tell me or...we're done" He said hesitantly, I let tears fall from my eyes. "Then I guess we're done, nice knowing you" I tried to walk past him but he stopped me. "You're not leaving till you tell me" He said as he blocked my way, no matter how many times I tried to get past he wouldn't let me past. "Fine, follow me this way" I sniffled and jumped off the pier into the icy water below.

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