Blue eyes - chapter 97

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{13 years later}

Luke and me were sat on the couch cuddling when suddenly your phone rang. "Oh for god sakes" I groaned and grabbed the phone, it was Louises school calling. "Hello?" I was quite confused as her school never really called me. "Hello this is Louises head of year, we need you to come into the school for a meeting about Louises behaviour as soon as possible." The kind lady sounded conserned. "Why? What has she done?!" I exclaimed with worry lacing my voice. "We will be happy to discus it with you when you come in." "Well how about when school finishes today? I can make it then." I sighed and brushed a hand through my hair, luke was sat up and alert now too. He had just got home from tour and was waiting to suprize Louise when she got home from school. "Yeah that's fine I will see you then." She chirped. "Okay thanks um bye." I hung up and put the phone down. "Babe? What's wrong?" Luke asked me and turned me to look at him. "I have a meeting about Louises behaviour at school, I don't understand I mean...she's a good kid and never acts out at school." I stammered, lukes face went from worried to petrified. "What!? Louise is a goo-" He was cut off by my phone ringing again, I sighed and picked it up. "Hello." I stated bluntly. "Hey beth we are comin over!" Mike giggled, I looked at luke and passed him the phone. "Yeah come over" He chuckled. "Yeah we are gonna suprize her" He chuckled again, his mood changed quickly it's as if he has forgotten. "Luke I'm gonna get ready for this meeting, I'll be down in a little bit."


"HELLO" I giggled as I hugged the boys tightly. "Wow! Hi, why are you looking smart and all done up?" Calum pulled his sunglasses down a little and wiggled his eyebrows. "I have a meeting at Louises school about her behaviour" I sighed and let go of Michael. "I thought she was a goody goody two shoes like luke?" Michael chuckled. "Well it looks like she's taking after beth after all, eh?" Luke sniggered, I glared at him with big eyes and a pout. "It's not funny, and besides I was a good kid at school." I stated. "Yeah because calling teachers arseholes and wanker was good behaviour." Luke corrected, I crossed my arms and shook my head. "Fine maybe I was a little bit bad, but that's not genetic  that's just who I am." I looked down at my phone and saw the time. It was almost 3 so I had to leave. "Right luke I love you and guys if you're hungry there's noodles in the cupboard." I grabbed my car keys and quickly left. "Bye beth we love you too (!)" The boys shouted to me, I giggled and poked my head round the door. "Hey boys, I love you too" and finally I left. I climbed into my car, I was driving a little over the limit and reached the school 5 minutes early. "Hello I have an appointment with Mrs smith" I said to the old chubby receptionist, as she turned to face me I recognised her fave although it had aged a lot. "I'll just call her down now." She chirped in a slightly croaky voice. "You worked here when I came here 15 years ago didn't you?" I said quietly. "I've worked here for some time dear, it's a possibility." Louise came to reception and looked up from her book she was reading. "Mum? What..why are you here?" She asked me and hugged me. "Well I've been called in by the school about your behaviour lou, what's going on?" I asked her with a Sharpe tone. "Hello, I'm Mrs Smith please follow me." A lady said from beside us, we followed her into her smallish office and took a seat. "Now do you know why we've called your mother Louise? " She asked Louise, Louise looked at me and then back at the teacher and shook her head. Louise was very shy so she didn't really speak in these situations. "Miss Bevan we have reason to belive that Louise has anxiety, which is becoming a cause for consern in her social studys" the teacher said with sympathetic eyes. "How do you mean? Louise has loads of school friends." I looked at Louise slightly confused. "No she distances herself from everyone at school and spends all her lunch time in the disabled toilet, many times we've had to force her out of there and many other times we've had to stop her from going in there." The teacher stated attend placed her joined hands on the table. "Louise will have to do after school classes after school to catch up on her social studys and if she doesn't show any signs of improving her social skills we will have to refer her to a therapist." Those words made Louise break she ran out the office in tears. "I'm sorry I will talk to her, thanks for..letting me know" I smiled weakly and ran after her. "Louise, wait!" I shouted as I saw her run round the corner to the car. "I just want to go home" she sobbed. I opened the car and we both climbed in. "Why did you lie to me about having friends? Lou lou you can talk to me, I'm here for you." I soothed, she shuffled in her seat and started reading her big ass book. "Louise hemmings do not be ignorant." I scolded. "WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?! Oh hi mum I'm a loner with no friends and I like to be alone and try to be invisible?! Or maybe you just want to hear about how everyone in school teases me and hates my guts for no reason!? I'm sorry if that's the side you wanted to hear." She yelled, I pulled into the parking lot and turned off the engine. "Louise nobody hates yo-" "No they have made it quite clear that they do so just leave me alone." She sniffed and left the car I chased after her into the apartment stair well. "Then Igonore them, your a nice and funny girl, you play guitar better than your dad and piano better than me which makes you very talented also." I complimented, we we walking up the hall to my flat. "All you need to do is make a few friends and-" I was shortly cut off. "You know what fuck you! Fuck the school and everyone in it! If you all want me to change myself you can all fuck off she said as she opened the apartment door to find luke looking very cross. "Louise hemmings!" He bellowed that I'm sure all of Australia could hear. She was like a rabbit in the head lights but she quickly ran up to her room slamming the door behind her. "Wow!" Mikey gasped. "What happened at the school for her to get like that?!" Calum breathed, I pulled of my shoes and wiped under my eyes. I sat on the kitchen counter and let out a huge sigh. "She's not been acting out at school, she's not talking to anyone at school and spends all her free time hiding in the disabled cubical so she can avoid everyone." I told luke, his face went from angry to confused. "Why doesn't she spend time with her fri-" I cut him off and looked at my hands. "Luke she's lied to us, she doesn't have any friends at school or outside of school. She's having to catch up on her social studys and drama class because she's not been taking part, if she doesn't get better they're gonna refer her to a therapist." I sighed and a few tears fell from my eyes. "Aww poor lou" Ashton sighed, luke noticed me crying and hugged me tightly. "It's okay maybe they can help her" He cooed. "I've failed her, I've not been there enough and It's my fault." I cried into lukes shoulder. "Shh hey hey! It's not your fault. " Mikey cooed and joined the hug. "She's 15 she should be out at house party's not getting her head shrinked." I sniffled and pulled out the hug and wiped my eyes and cheeks. "She's still my favourite niece." Mikey chirped, I let out a small laugh and patted his cheek. "So all the story's of staying at her friends houses was a lie?" Luke mumbled. "Oh my god where did she go?!" I exclaimed. Suddenly the sound of her guitar filled the house. I sighed heavily and looked at the time. "She'll come out soon but until then let's just wait"


I heard a sound of something hitting the floor and I turned round to see Louise picking up her book she dropped. "Hey, you okay?" I asked her, she looked scared but just nodded and carried on through to the kitchen. "Louise come here a minute" luke called to her, she looked up from her book and stood infront of me and the boys. "You know I'm not happy with the way you spoke to your mother." She began doing signals with her hands and luke tilted his head. "Wh..what are you doing?" He asked her. "I was using sign language to say sorry." She said barley above a whisper."Oh! " all the boys said with wonder in their voices. "Honey you have a voice, use it to talk to us instead of making shadow puppets." Luke chuckled, Louise let out a small laugh and looked down at her slippers on her feet. "I'm sorry I've disappointed you all" she quietly mumbled, Ashton tackled her into a bear hug and rolled around on the floor. "Stop saying that! We're not disappointed or angry we just want you to talk to us and the other buttheads at your school." He chuckled and messed up her hair. "No I don't want to" she huffed and hid her face in a pillow. "Wouldn't you be happy with some friends?" Calum cooed. "I have friends, they're just all confined by paper and exist in ink." She smiled and picked up her book from the floor. "Honey books can't be your friends you need actual human people." I said as I looked down at the book she was reading. "But I don't like people, I like to be left alone away from everyone talking about who's pregnant at school and everyone telling me about who has eating disorders and being told who's ass looks fat in what dress." She whined and started to read her book, I let out a small laugh along with the boys and then calum took her book. "Uncle calum give it back." She whined and nd gave him puppy dog eyes. "No, being involved in that drama is what you need not stupid pieces of paper." He said firmly and tore some pages out the book. Louise looked like she could kill him or like she was gonna die, I think he may have taken the wrong aproach about this but what ever it done didn't look good. "Louise? Are you okay?" Ashton gently poked her arm but she didn't move. "Calum say sorry" I said sternly. "No. She needs to stop this reading nonsense and start reading Facebook statuses." He huffed and Crossed his arms. " ripped my book." Louise stutter and picked up the torne up pages and the rest of the book with shaking hands. "Louise are you okay?" Luke asked and went to touch her shoulder but she moved away. "Don't...just...dont" she wheezed.

Louise pov

My chest felt tight and I could barley breath, why would he do that to my book? Does he have some in resolved issues with books?! All I know is I could hardly breath, my throat was dry and I felt like I was gonna pass out. "Louise it's just a book" He muttered, I began looking through the kitchen draws frantically for some tape. "Lou what are you doing? Come and watch a film with uncle Mikey." Uncle Mikey went to hug me but I pushed him away from me and carried on looking until I saw it. I grabbed my shredded book and the tape and ran up to my room. "Lou I wasn't finished." Dad called up to me, I shut my door and laid out the many pieces on the floor. I quickly opened my window for some air but it didn't help at all. *knocking* "monkey it's me, let me in please" Uncle ash cooed, I looked frantically at the pieces and tried to find where they all went. After 2 hours I gave up, I couldn't fix it and I didn't even finish it. *knocking* "I'm coming in." Uncle ash said before opening the door to find me with my legs pulled up to my chest and jumper sleeves clutched in my hands. "I can't fix it." I cried and hid my head in my knees."Oh monkey it's okay." He cooed and hugged me tightly. "No it's not, why did he do that? did I upset him in some way?" I sobbed into uncle ash's shoulder. "No he's just a fucking insensitive idiot." His teeth were clenched together and the little vein on his forehead was going mad. "I'm just gonna go to bed" I sniffled and climbed into the covers of my double bed. "What about your dinner?" Ashton suggested. "I'm not hungry. Night uncle ash, I love you" I sniffled and rolled over so I was facing away from him.

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