Blue Eyes - chapter 9

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(1 month later) in the past month we went to the beach a lot, I took may photos and made a scrapbook and we had loads of good times together.


I was currently sat in my art class sketching one of the photos when luke came and sat next to me, I closed my book and placed it to the far side of the table. "What you doing? What you hiding?" He pondered. "It's a secret, you lot will probably like it, it's taken me a month to do it but it's nearly done" I said with a big smile on my face, he whined and tried to grab the book but I smack his hands away and put the A3 pad in my bag. "Please show me I won't tell the others I promise beth" He whined, I wanted to give in but I kept song and shook my head. "Mr hemmings is thete a problem?" The teacher seethed, luke coward in his seat and shook his head. The teacher carried on with the lesson and told us to 'continue with our projects' so I shifted round the room and grabbed the sharpener and a rubber. I felt two arms around my waist so I turned round to see luke leaning on me. "Can I help you lucks? " I laughed as his breath tickled my neck. "Whacha doin' ?" He said in a child's voice. "Carrying on with my drawing that you're not allowed to see, now go away luke" I whined, he huffed and walked back to the table. The teacher slowly aproached me and admired my work. "Your work is kind of sloppy and lacks effort, if you like your work than you'd try and put the effort i. You might as well just draw stick people because that would be better than this." He smirked, his words that he said to me every lesson made my blood boil, I put my heart and soul into my drawings and now he had gone too far. "Oh shut up you old, dried up piece of shit!" I shouted at him, I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door. As I left I heard oohhs and laughing which didn't phase me instead I ran to the music room to beat the shit out of the drums.


Finally it was lunch time and I went to sit in my car, I had skipped the other lessons of the day because I was so annoyed by that arrogant arse hole. *knocking on the window* I shut my sketch book and turned my attention to a very conserned looking luke. He came and sat in the car next to me. "What happened in art class, sir was so embarrassed that everyone heard that he left the room and got someone to cover!" He laughed, I couldn't help but laugh too until I remembered how mad he made me. "He told me my work is equivalent to stick me and told me that I lacked effort and emotion, what a pick! " I basically shouted, I pulled out my book and went through the drawings that lay inside. "I think they are amazing, no matter how many times I see them I still think they are amazing" He said breathlessly, I blushed a little as he turned to the most recent on I had been drawing. The only one in colour, the beautiful sunset in the background as the boys splashed in the water laughing and shouting. The emotions on there faces so realistic and the water rippling reflecting the bring skyline. The photo was paper clipped the the edge of the page to remind me of what I was drawing. "Wow!" He gasped, I wanted to take the book back and hide it from view but I knew I couldn't "Beth this is amazing! Just like you" He gasped, we locked eyes for a moment before we leaned in and kissed slowly and sweetly.
Woah he's an amazing kisser

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