Blue eyes - chapter 25

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I was standing in the street hugging luke just waiting for a taxi, we both didn't want to let each other go but we had to at some point. "Babe I don't want you to leave" He mumbled into my shoulder,I held him tighter and snuggled into his chest even more. "And I don't want you to grow anymore because you're fucking towering over me" I cooed, that brightened the mood and made us all laugh."and that means all of you." I pulled away slightly so I could point at them, they all pouted and then laughed. "Okay shortie, now it's your turn to grow." Michael laughed. "Miracles do happen." I said sarcasticly, the boys looked behind me and then looked down. I let go of luke and walked over to the boys and hugged them. "I don't want you guys or luke to come with me to the airport, I don't wanna make it more difficult for me to get on that plane. Guys take care of each other and Mike stop hitting luke, if any of you guys get home sick or need to talk, even if you're bored please call me because I get really lonely in my flat by myself. If lukes being a little boring fart just tell him I said I love him and he'll be home soon" I whispered to them all, a few tears slipped out my eyes, I wiped them away quickly and let go of them. "I love you guys so much and I will see you in a month and a half" I smiled sadly at them. I walked back over to luke and held his hands in my own. "Luke, you're not coming with me to the airport. I know It will end up making it more Difficult for me to leave and I don't want that, but I love you to the moon and back." I whispered, I leaned in and kissed him sweetly. "I love you beth, I'll be home soon." Tears formed in both our eyes. I climbed in the taxi with my suitcase and camera. "Airport please." I said holding back tears, I waved to the boys as we drove down the road, I began silently crying in the back of the taxi just thinking that I'm alone again. "Was that your boyfriend?" The man asked. "Love of my life and the best thing that's ever happened to me" I sniffled. "He's a good looking boy ain't he?" He smiled. "Yeah, I didn't wanna leave him here but at least he's got his mates I have nobody when I get home." My voice cracked a little as I fought away the tears. "It'll get better." The driver spoke softly.


Finally I was home and unpacked. I decided to call my mum to see if she was okay and tell her about my trip. "Hello Bethany How was your trip?" She asked excitedly. "It was nice, I saw luke and everyone and I laid a flower on daddy's grave. I sold my half of business and I read the last testement." I sniffled a little. "Honey I wish I could have came but me and john-" I cut her off quickly. "Who's John? " I was so confused and ...confused. "my new boyfriend, I've been with him for about 2 months now. It may take you time to get used to it but I'm happy again." My mother sounded sincer and chirpy. "Wow! You greaved quickly" I scoffed and hung up. "What the HELL!" I shouted into the empty flat, I threw my phone to the other side of the sofa. *ping* I picked up my phone to see a photo the boys sent to me of me and luke hugging.
Please come home soon

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