Blue eyes - chapter 28

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2 weeks later

I was buzzing, the boys are coming to mine later today after they land, I had tidied my new home and baked cookies and brownies. *ringing*

"Hello?" I answered my house phone. "Hey babe it's me, we've landed and are driving home now, we are so excited to see you." I could hear the smile in lukes voice, and I couldn't stop smiling either. I blew out the smoke from my mouth and wafted the air. "I can't wait to see you boys and I made cookies and brownies, I stoked up on peppermint schnapps and fireball and I have set up the Xbox for you guys." I said calmly. Thinking about it there was one thing I haven't done. I ran upstairs with my phone still filming me and I locked the door at the end of the corridor. "Baby what are you doing,why you locking that room?" He asked squinting his eyes. "That's my little secret babe" I smirked and looked down at my phone again. "I will find out beth." He frowned. "So anyway how long till you guys get here?" I asked as I ran into my room and jumped on the bed. "Mike will be there first cause his house is closer and then me and calum and Ashton last because they are slow." Luke listed. "Oh i'll have to hide the cookies and brownies from Mikey won't I?" I giggled , he nodded and laughed. "I will meet you all on the pier in a few hours then. I love you luke. Bye bitchez!!" I shout to the guys before I hung up. I got dressed and headed down to the beach. Now its just a waiting game


At some point I must have fell asleep in the sun but now someone was prodding me. "What?" I mumbled with my eyes still closed. "All I wanted was a hug" Mikey pouted, I shot up and squeezed the tall boy. "You're back! Oh I missed you so much!" I mumbled, he let out a hearty laugh and stroked my hair. "I missed you too munchkin." He wheezed, I realise I was still squeezing him. "Oh sorry I forgot I was still hugging you" I apologised, he let out a little laugh. "What?" I giggled. Two arms picked me up and put me on their shoulders. I knew it was calum by the jet black fluffy hair. "Calum!" I hugged his head lightly. "Hey beth, we said it's your turn to grow." He smiled up at me. "Hey I'm a little bit taller" I playfully slapped his shoulder. He placed me back on the hot sand. "Thanks" I smiled, the boys laid on the sand and soaked up the sun they missed so much. "Ho Ho Ho mother fuckers!" Ashton shouted, everyone on the beach gave us looks of discust and annoyance. "Ashton irwin, there are little kids here so tone down the language!"I hissed, he came and sat down next to me on the sand cuddling my side. "Where's luke?" I asked. "He is stuck in traffic, the taxi took the main road and there's loads of traffic." Ashton read the text from luke. I put my sunglasses on and closed my eyes. "This weather is taking the piss" I groaned as I rolled over on my back and closed my eyes. "But it's warm" Calum laughed. "No it's like an oven, you forget I'm from the coldest place ever." I sighed sleepily. I felt someone sit on my back. "Who ever it is get off me of I will snap your legs." I sleepily mumbled. I felt cool kisses moving up my back to my neck, I smiled and shifted my head. "Hi babe" luke whispered in my ear, I pushed him off me and sat in him. "Hey baby, what took you so long" I smiled we both leaned in and kissed each other hungrily. "I.missed.your.lips" I said between kisses, he smiled into the kiss and we slowly pulled away. "I missed all of you" He smirked. "Well quick photo to go in the folder then we will go to mine and have a welcome home party." I hopped off the boys and took my camera out my bag and took three photos. "Here luke babe can you put this back in my bag?" I gave him puppy dog eyes and passed him the camera and walked towards the water. "Last one in doesn't get to play the Xbox. " I called to the boys, I had never seen Michael run so fast in all his life. *click* I turned round to see luke with my camera.

blue eyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora