Blue eyes - chapter 30

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Me and the boys were sat on the balcony watching the sunset as luke and Mike played on the Xbox.  "So how was touring?" I asked to break the silence. I took a large swig of my drink and listened to the tell me about how they got pranked by the other group and embarrassing things about luke. "Someone threw a condom at luke and it hit him in the face, it was an extra large and we said no he's an extra small. So we decided to ask you" they said. I choked on my drink and began violently coughing. "Are you trying to kill me?! Give me warning next time you want to talk about...that!" I gasped as I held my hand up to my throat. "So again are we right.?" Calum asked. "Wrong" I said quietly. God this is embarrassing!

I was a little bit drunk by no and a bit giggly. "What's this?" Mike picked up the bottle from beside me. "Peppermint schnapps" I slurred. "Why did you buy this it sounds gross" Ashton laughed, I poured a bit in the small glass I had in my hands. "Cause I like peppermint and schnapps is so much fun to say" I giggled and repeated the word 'schnapps' about five times before drinking my drink. Luke was sat and the sun lounger next to me and was laughing. "Guys I'm gonna put this one to bed, wait here for me." Luke chuckled as he threw me over his shoulder and took me upstairs. "Babe you don't have a bed." He asked confused. I jumped off him and pressed a panel on the wall with made the bed slowly come down. "I missed you lukey" I quietly slurred. I pulled him on the bed with me and began kissing him hungrily. "The boys are downstairs still." He mumbled against my lips. "I don't Care, I've waited so long for this." I whispered against his lips.


I woke up with a pounding head ache and a cold naked body. "God its cold." I sleepily mumbled to myself. "Then maybe we should cuddle" I turned over to be face to face with lukes smiling face. He was fully clothed and had wet hair so I'm guessing he showered. "I'm guessing you used my shower" I smiled sleepily, he pulled me in for a hug and kissed my head. "Yeah, the boys stayed in the guest bedroom last night thanks to a certain bottle of peppermint schnapps." He chuckled. I sat up and help the covers to my chest looking around for my bra and panties, I lent over the bed and picked them up quickly putting them on. "Babe Me and the boys have to go to the studio to record some stuff but I love you and will be back later." I kissed his lips softly and let him go reluctantly. "I love you" I called to him from my room.i could get used to waking up next to that sexy face.

blue eyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon