Blue eyes - chapter 24

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"Luke. Baby, I have to get up" I sleepily mumbled whilst trying to escape his grip, I wriggled and shuffled but he held me tightly. "No babe, it's cold so you have to keep me warm" He groaned, he rolled over pulling me with him, I let out a small laugh as he was just acting silly. "Luke, i have to get dressed and stuff! Let me go." I giggled, he reluctantly let me go, as soon as he let me go I felt cold and alone just wanting to crawl back into his arms and cuddle forever. "Beth, baby I wish you could stay with me" He pinned, I was about to go get a shower when luke ran in there first. "I need a shower and you had one yesterday!" He yelled . I sat on the bed in my pyjamas with my reading glasses on. "Well hurry up or I will have to leave with out saying goodbye!" I called to him, I woke Ashton up in the next room by the way he came in and scowled at me. "It's 5 am Bethany Bevan, so thanks for waking me up(!)" He hissed, I just gave him a big smiled and looked at him with my big blue eyes. "I'm really sorry Ashton" I cooed. "I dunno what it is about your eyes, whenever I look into them it's like I forget how much you've annoyed me" He said curiously, I giggled at him and rolled over on the bed that I just made. "They're just eyes Ash, what's so facinating about them?" I looked him in the eyes and smiled. "They're just really blue and sparkly" He chuckled,I looked at my eyes on my phone camera and he was right. The light shimmered on my eyes and they were so blue and big it was weirdly facinating. "Oh...I see what you mean, well sorry for waking you up and are you boys coming to the airport with me and luke?" I asked cheekily thinking he'd say no, I just woke the poor boys up so I doubt it very much. "Yeah we wanna say goodbye properly" He exclaimed. He left the room quickly to wake the others and get them ready to go. Luke walked out the shower in his towel around his waist as he towel dried some of his hair. "Baby you have to get dressed" luke whined. "Luke I will just give me a minute and worry about yourself." I smiled at my phone as I scrolled through twitter. *click click click* I turned my head to see luke taking some photos of me. "Smile for the camera!" He said excitedly, I smiled a little then turned back to my phone. "Luke put it down now" I instructed, he pouted and put it down. "Right I'm gonna get dressed, I expect you to do the same thing Lucas" I smirked as he hated being called Lucas, I took my clothes into the bathroom to get dressed. I took off my top and dirty bra off and threw it on the floor. By the time my lower half was ready luke opened the door. "Oh sorry, I thought you were ready." He had his eyes covered, I quickly hook my bra and walked over to uncover his eyes. "It's not anything you haven't seen before" I smiled at him, he gaze fell to my chest and his eyes grew a little bit darker. "But next time you'll see these is when you come back to Australia." I smirked, he groaned and mumbled something under his breath. I pulled my top on and put on my flowery head band as I tussled my hair. "The boys are coming too aparantly" luke smiled at his phone before hugging me from behind. "I told them they could, I'm really gonna miss you babe" I spoke quietly so my voice wouldn't break like my heart was slowly doing. "From the first day I saw you, you had me , I was yours. That isn't gonna change ever" He said softly in my ear. It was the sweetest thing I had ever heard in history. I swung round and kissed his lips softly and longingly, the kiss was one of those that made you want more but we had to go. "Let's go" He whispered. I took his hand and we left with all my things in the suitcase dragging behind us. I never wanted to fall in love ,but when I did I fell hard.

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