Blue eyes - chapter 98

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"Louise hasn't left her room in 2 days and she won't come out, luke can you go talk to her?" I asked with a big pout and sad eyes. "I've tried but she won't talk to me or even let me in her room." I could tell this was breaking his heart and it was breaking mine too, these past few days had been hell for her and us. "Would she talk to one of the boys?" I asked him, he chewed on his bottom lip and grabbed his phone. "I'll ask them babe, she's worrying me." He mumbled nervously,I hugged him and rubbed my thumb on his sides, he continued texting but hugged me back. "Ash asked if he can bring harry and Lauren, he's spending the day with them." Luke sighed. "Yeah sure, I don't mind." I smiled weakly at him.


Louises pov

"Almost finished" I sighed as I painted the last few details. *knocking* "Hey lou it's harry, can I come in?" What the hell is he doing here? The last time I saw him was like 3 years ago when I went to uncle ashtons barbecue. "Please? I have nachos" He chuckled. "" I mumbled quietly. "Fine then I will give you 2 choices. 1 - open the door. 2- I kick it down. Your choice" He chuckled, I slowly made my way over to the door with paint all over my hands and some smudged on my forehead. "I will open the door." I grumbled and unlocked it, I walked back over to the wall and carried on painting the Cheshire cat on my bedroom wall. "Woah! I can see you've been busy." He basically drooling and staring. "Shh! My mum will hear." I whispered and carried in painting with the small thin brush and mixing the colours together to make a hypnotising turquoise color. "So?" He chuckled and sat on the chair beside me. "So If I get caught vandalising my wall her and dad will have a paddy." I sniffed and wiped under my eyes. "I heard what happened with your book, calum was aparantly a douche. How about we both go-" He started but I put my brush down and cut him off. "No, I'm not going anywhere or doing anything. Every time I leave this room people ask me to change and I don't want to change, I sick to death of everyone else and everything." I ranted and brought my brush in contact with the wall. "Don't be stupid, no one wants you to change, name one person." He argued and sat back in his chair. "Mum, dad, uncle cal, uncle mike, every teacher at school and every person in school. Need I go on?" I droned and dabbed my brush lightly in the paint. "That's not true." He argued again. "Yes it is. I've lied for years to my mum about having friends when all this time I spend my time alone with nobody but made up people." I argued back and dropped my brush in the paint pallet. "I'm your friend,that's one. No one at school wants you to change they probably love you" He smiled cheekily. "No you're family so it doesn't count, and as for school I got fed up with being beaten up for my money that now I just find the people and give it to them" I rolled my eyes and picked my paint brush back up. "Ouch! Well..They don't matter. Your clever and funny, they're all thick and boring, so explain yourself." He chuckled. "Well I'm afraid I can't explain myself because I am not myself you see." I imitated alice from alice in wonderland. "What the fuck was that?" He chuckled. "Alice in wonderland, it's not in the film but it's in the book. It's my favourite book in the whole world and calum ripped it up the other day, like a giant ass hat." I frowned and pushed some of my hair off my face. "It's just a book, what's the big deal?" He sniggered. "It's not just a book, It's my favourite book and I spent the last of my money buying a hardback copy, it was one of the originals and it took me ages to save up for it. Now its just my favourite pile of shredded paper." I mumbled and pushed the same piece of hair out my face, Harry lagged and I glared at him. "You have paint on your face." I grabbed the brush and dabbed a blob of paint on his cheek. "So do you, guess it's a new fashion." I giggled, he pouted and Crossed his arms. "That's not fair! At least it's a nice colour." He chuckled. "Come on, your mums making cookies." He teased. "Fine, only because I'm really hungry and you look stupid." I laughed and placed my pallet in and box under my bed. "You look stupid too, you have more paint on your face than me." He whined. "Who said it was because of the paint." I giggled and ran pit the room. "Ouch! Insulting much!" He said as he chased me down the stairs, I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a cookie. "Hey sweetie nice to see ya." Ashton said and hugged me. "No I'm covered in paint, you'll get it on your shirt." I mumbled and pushed off him. "I don't care, I want cuddles." He giggled, I hugged him back and ate my cookie. "Anyway why are you covered in paint and shit?" He let me go and I sat on the counter just eating my cookies. "Ash, she painted the best thing on her wa-" harry started but I pushed him off the counter and he landed on the floor. "Shut up harry!" I whispered, uncle ash gave me curious eyes before running up to my room. "NO UNCLE ASH WAIT!" I called and ran after him. "Holy shit. GUYS COME SEE THIS." He shouted I ran in my room and slammed the door behind me leaving Ashton and everyone else on the other side. "Go away!" I called to them and locked my door. "Are you gonna choose option 2?" Harry shouted and pounded on the door. "No! Just give me a minute." I shouted and wiped the paint off my face and hands, I opened the door and quickly closed it before anyone could see. "Uncle ash, Harry keeps threatening to break my door down." I whined. "Really? What's he gonna do? Bake banana bread and hit me with it." Harry chuckled, as pushed him and then picked me up and threw me onto his shoulder. "Someone open the door." He shouted. "No that's my room! I have private things in there." I whined and wiggled but uncle mike opened it. "That's.  So. Cool!" Calum shouted excitedly. "Mum dad please don't kill me for vandalising my room." I panicked and Ashton put me down on my feet. "It's fine... that's so cool." Dad giggled and bounced around, I became very shy and anxious. "It's ts from my favourite book which got ripped up by an ass hat" I huffed and looked at uncle cal. "I'm sorry lou, please forgive me." He begged and cuddled me. "Fine. I suppose I'm okay now, you're still an ass hat though" I mumbled.

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