Blue Eyes- chapter 4

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I took a seat near the back of the class, no one wants to be one of those suck ups at the front. I placed my art pad and pencils on the table. "D'you mind if I sit here?" A familiar voice spoke, you turned your head and looked up to see the tall blonde boy known as luke. "if you promise not to hit on me again" I smirked, he took the seat next to me and laughed. "I'm sorry my friend Calum dared me to" He chuckled. "Hood?" I gasped, he b nodded his head in agreement. The teacher walked in the room and the room fell silent. "This term you will be sitting your art exams, most people don't get higher than a D so don't get your hopes up..." He droned in a smug manor. "Wow isn't he a ray of sunshine (!)" I muttered to luke who began quietly sniggering, the teacher glared at luke for a good 4 seconds before continuing to speak. "So are you an artistic person beth?" He asked, I hesitantly opened my book which was filled with portraits of my old friends, landscapes from the  country side house you stayed at in the rainy summers and birds. "Wow! These are amazing, how do you draw so well?!" He said in a raised whispering voice. "No, most of them are rushed and incomplete." I mumbled, he got to one of most recent drawings and stared in awe. "Who's this?" He asked quietly as he smiled at the picture, I held back the tears that wanted to form in my eyes. "Th..that's my dad" I quietly whispered, I took back my book and closed it. I turned my attention to the teacher Mr Yates, he was yabbering about oil paintings and exemplary examples. "So what's England like?" Luke nudged me, I tore me attention away from the teacher back to luke. "In the summer it always rains, it's the best thing about England and in the winter it's guaranteed to snow. My dad and me used to build snowmen in the back yard together whilst my mum made hot chocolate, then we'd go inside and sit by the fire to heat up as we watched the grinch." I smiled reminiscing on the fun times we had together. Last Christmas was the best one of them all, until the accident. I shuddered and came back to the lesson i were in. "Sounds cool, we don't have snow here but we do get rain in the winter" He said happily, I politely smiled and turned back to Mr Yates.


Finally lunch, I slowly made my way to the music room to see Mr Jeffrey at his desk,I knocked on the door twice. "Hello sir, I was wondering if I could use the music room?" I asked nervously,he smiled and nodded. "we have 5 rooms one of them has a drum kit, one has a piano and if you need anything else go in the music cupboard. I am going to get my lunch." He chipped, he seemed nicer than all the other teachers in the school. I went in the storage cupboard and got a set of drumsticks, I then made my way to the 3rd music room with the drum kit. I sat on the stool and began to play a random beat.

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