Blue eyes - chapter 27

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I examined the picture as it lay before me. I was in my short shorts and my grey belly top with my hair in a quiff and my nervy glasses on. My grey Long socks and phone hidden by one hand as the other had a large ring on it. "Babe which one?" He asked shyly. I shared my computer screen with him so he could see the photo. "Oh yeah. That one." He giggled. "HELLO!" The phone was taken off him again by niall again. "Is that you?!" He exclaimed, I looked down on my lap and blushed. "Yes now can I speak to luke?" I groaned. "Oh well...I didn't wanna talk to you anyways" He sassed and passed luke the phone. Luke looked very happy and examined the photo on the screen. "I really can't wait to get home now" He smirked and then wiggled his eye brows. "Can't wait-" I was cut off by a roar of laughter from luke and the others. "Niall has a stiffy!" Ashton yelled, I burst out laughing and fell off the sofa, I tried to breath but that wasn't working out for me. "Beth you still there?" Luke asked as he calmed his breathing. "Yes! But I'm dying of laughter!" I said as I sat myself back on the sofa. "Ashton just tweeted about it, thanks babe now he won't be annoying me as much" luke smiled. "Urgh, I have so many photos on here. I'll have to get rid of some. But luke I love you." I smiled sweetly. After hours of talking and laughing we hung up. I went to the photography shop in town to print these off properly and hang them.

I looked at my twitter to see Ashton tweet. '@bevanbeth 's photo that luke took gave @niallhoran a boner. Nice picture you took @luke5SOS. ' there were loads of comments asking for the picture but no way was I posting that photo on there.
God sake I want these 2 weeks to pass quickly. I sat on the sofa and watched some romantic comedy's , I pretty much cried all night because I was lonely and some of these had super soppy moments, I decided to get some air so I went outside on the balcony. I looked at the street lights and rushing cars Below me, the smell of the sea filled my lungs and made me feel relaxed. "It's so beautiful" I whispered to myself, I had never really admired the view at night but it was breathtaking. "2 weeks beth" I muttered to myself as I looked at the sky hoping he would be looking as well, it's stupid but it keeps me happy knowing that we are still underneath the same sky. Baby come home soon!

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