Blue eyes - chapter 90

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I woke up to the sound on a glass breaking and a small oops sound, I sat up and held the covers close to my chest. "Luke?" I whispered and shook his arm lightly. "No, I'm totally lagged, I can't go again." He groaned and rolled over, I let out a small sigh and threw on my underwear and lukes top. "I think there's someone in the house." I whispered, he rolled over and looked at me with a small smile. "No, just us and Louise, now come back to bed and cuddle me." He yawned, I slowly crept down the stairs to see the kitchen light reflecting on the floor. "Louise? Is that you?" I called out quietly as I came to the foot of the stairs. "No it's me." Mike slurred, I turned the corner and saw a drunk Michael eating out left over Chinese food. "What was that smashing sound?" I asked him, I sat on the counter top and inspected him. "I..I dropped a glass, I need to pee." He whined, I looked at the floor and saw the broken glass on the floor. "Right you go pee and I will clean this up." I yawned, I knelt down on the floor and picked up the larger pieces of glass. "You're pretty, I love you" He hiccuped and walked upstairs, I let out a huge sigh and placed them in the bin. I felt a Sharp pain in my foot and yelped. "Beth? You okay?" I herd luke from behind me, I put my foot back on the ground and nodded, it really hurt and I felt like crying. "Oh okay. Who was it?" He mumbled and rubbed his eyes. "Oh it was mike, he's a bit drunk and dropped a glass." I said with a false smile. "Oh baby, you stood on the glass, your foots bleeding." He pointed out, lift led my foot up and pouted. "I know and it really hurts." Luke frowned and lifted me up onto the counter, he stood between my legs and placed his hands on my knees. "Poor baby" He cooed, his hands slowly moved up my thighs. "I know, poor me" I gasped as he leaned in closer and closer, I bit my lip and looked into his eyes. "But I need to clean the rest of this up before Louise stands on it too." I stated firmly, I gently pushed him off me and crouched down to the rest of the glass. "I..I don't feel too good." I heard mike groan, I looked to see him on the stairs wiping sick from his mouth. "You can sleep on the sofa tonight, I'll get you a quilt in a minute sweetie." I cooed to him. "Thanks mum" He slurred and laid down. "I'm younger than you, how could I be your mum?" I giggled, he sat up and looked at me. "Time travel." I rolled my eyes and placed the last of the glass in the bin, luke picked me up and put me back on the counter top. "Now let's get back to what we were doing." He whispered in my ear and then nibbled my earlobe making me gasp, he moved along leaving little love bites on my jaw line until he kissed my lips. "Dad stop kissing beth ,she's lukes girl or mine." Mike shouted. "Michael! my little girls in bed. " luke hissed. "Your little girl huh?" I smirked, he went red realising what he said, I grabbed his face in my hands and kissed his nose. "Well yeah, she's gonna be a little Daddy's girl from now on." He stated with a smile. "Lukes a dad?! Oh my god, dude congratulations!" Michael shouted, I let out a small laugh and looked at Michael with soft eyes. "Get some sleep Mikey, and keep the noise down." I said softly, he arranged the cushions on the couch and looked over at me and luke again. "Beth give me a kiss." He chuckled, I narrowed My eyes at him and Crossed my arms. "I'll give you a slap, go to bed." I instructed. I heard a small yawn from the stairs and soon saw Louise standing at the bottom of them. "Daddy? What time is it? Why's uncle Mikey here?" She said in a small sleepy voice, luke immediately walked over and picked her up. "Come on my little penguin, let's get you back to bed." He was so happy and smiley, I'd never seen him glowing like this. I went to the airing cupboard near the front door and pulled out a quilt. "Night night mike, I love you." I giggled and covered his body with the quilt. "I love you, you're my little sister." He chuckled and pulled me in for a cuddle."and you're the best brother in the world, now get some sleep." I instructed, he let me go and I pecked his cheek, I walked up the stairs to my room and on the way I peeked into Louises room. "And she was there in the reception of my school, she looked stunning and so beautiful. My heart was skipping many beats and was pounding against my chest." Luke said to Louise who was sat up smiling. "So what did you do?" She mumbled. "I followed her up the stairs and tried being charming and nice but your mummy turned me down immediately. I wasn't done there, thanks to your uncles I became good friends with her, we and ways went to the beach after school, even in the rain. Your mummy would jump off the pier and take photos of me and your uncles in the water being silly." He chuckled and pushed some hair behind her ear, her smile grew showing her dimples which made luke smile. "I still have the picture mummy drew for me and the boys in a frame, it's thanks to that picture that me and your mummy shared our first kiss, she was really upset at the time and angry at one of our teachers. He was was a big ass- I mean meanie and told mummy that she was useless. She doesn't know but when she left I got the courage to stand up for her and nd myself so I told him off too and left to look for mum but I couldn't find her." He told it like it was a fairytale and in my mind it was, she laid down and let and small yawn escape her pink lips. "And then what?" She sleepily mumbled. "Then I found her in her car crying and drawing, your mum is a very talented person and she's always in denial." He was cut off by Louise who pulled out a piece of paper from her bedside table, she passed it to luke and he began unfolding it. "Mummy drew this when we went to the pet shop, I got a kitten and he ran away so mummy drew me this to remind me of him. She said 'sometimes things have to get worse before they get better, maybe he had to find his mummy' she's really clever like that and I hope he did find his mummy." She yawned and snuggled into her pillow. "I will tell you the ret tomorrow night my little angel, night night I love you." He whispered and kissed her. I quickly ran to our room and dad and jumped into bed, after about a minute I felt the bed dip beside me. "Hey baby, is Louise okay?" I asked him and hid my grin. "Yes she's fine, she's a little Daddy's girl already like i said." He said proudly, I smiled and laid my head on his chest. "I don't blame her luke, I think I'm your girl too." I smiled and closed my eyes. "Good, and don't forget it. I love you." He yawned, I looked up at him and smiled sweetly. "I love you more." I whispered. We cuddled until we fell into a deep sleep, being in lukes arms was like heaven on earth.


"WAKEY WAKEY daddy" I heard Louise giggle and cuddle me and luke. "Morning penguin, morning babe." He said in a deep raspy voice, I rolled over to see him and Louise with matching expressions. "Morning sweeties, sorry about uncle Mikey waking you up baby girl." I kissed her cheek and pushed some hair off my face, and smiled. "It's okay, daddy told me a bed time story." She giggled, she pounced on me and cuddled me. "Really? What story did he tell you?" " It's a secret, a secret we can't tell mummy." Luke butted in, Louise nodded in agreement and looked into my eyes. "When are you gonna paint my room? It look soooo boring!" Louise groaned, I smiled and rubbed her cheek. "Well lou lou, I've had a really good idea and I have to wait till your dad goes back to work." I smirked at him and then looked at Louise. "Why?" She whined and flopped back on the bed. "Cause he will keep getting in the way and wanting to help, and I wanna do it on my own." I cooed, luke huffed and glared at me. "Louise, daddy has to go away to work in 2 days, I won't be here for a little while but I will call you everyday." Luke said sadly, Louise hugged his to slap tightly and Buried her face in his chest, luke stroked her hair and kissed her hair. "Are you coming back?" She said with a teary voice, I softened my eyes and cuddled them both. "Yes honey, I promise I will be home as soon as I can be." He was now teary too. "Well uncle Mikey can keep me company." She sniffed, I kissed the top of her head and placed my hand on lukes. "No darling, they have to go with daddy." I cooed, she began crying and I felt my heart break in two, I hugged them both tighter and rocked us from side to side. "I don't want you to leave" she cried, luke let a tear fall from his eyes too and now I was crying too. "I dont want to leave either penguin, but I have to." He sniffled, I let them go and stood up, I made my way towards the door and then noticed them looking at me. "I'm gonna leave you two alone, spend time with eachother before he has to go" I smiled at Louise and closed the door. "Hey what's up?" Mike gasped as he came round the corner, I hugged him and swayed side to side with him. "What's brought this on?" He chuckled. "I have a serious case of the feels and it fucking hurts." I sniffed. "Aww, where's luke?" Mike cooed, I pulled out the hug and looked up at him. "He's spending time with Louise before you guys go on tour, they caught the feels too and are crying." I sniffled. "Sounds messy, why is luke crying? " He questioned with a confused look. "He doesn't want to leave Louise here, he doesn't want to leave me here and he can't help paint Louises room. And you are in so much trouble, you broke a glass, hit on me, woke up Louise and woke me up." I pushed him and little. "I can make it up to you. How about we have a jamming session in the music room." I raced him to the music room and began our major jamming session.

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