Blue Eyes - chapter 10

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The kiss made butterflies form in my stomach and fireworks explode until...*knocking on the window* we quickly pulled apart to see mike, Ashton and calum staring at us. "Oh shit! How do we explain this?" He asked me, I suggest and opened he window. "Hey guys, you alright?" I asked slightly out of breath, they just laughed and climbed in the car. "We all heard you called the art teacher a asshole or something so we came to find you but we can see luke got here first." Winked calum,I blushed and looked at my lap. "Guys look at what beth drew" exclaimed luke as he passed them my art pad. Fuck sake luke! "Wow that's us at the beach! How did you do that?!" Shouted Michael, I just shrugged. "That's why I went mad,he kept saying my drawings are equivalent to stick men drawings and that I lack effort, he does it every lesson and I just flipped." I laughed, they carried in inspecting the sketch along with some others in my book. "Who's this man?" Asked Michael. "My dad, I'd rather not say." I said quietly. "Oh come on tell us a little bit about him" He asked, I felt all my happyness erode in a black hole in my brain, I was just sat there slowly being suck into the black pit of depression. "Beth? Beth, you okay?" Asked Ashton as he tapped my shoulder, I snapped out of it, took the book and left the car, I stormed towards the art room to face the wanker of a teacher. I slammed the book on his destination and I showed him. "What ever you say about my work being shit and that I don't try or put any emotion in it I know that that isn't true I a work really hard on these drawings. So you can shove your opinions and tour judgmental comments because unlike everyone else, who are scared of you, I stand up for myself and don't take shit from anyone!" I screamed in his face and walked out leaving him there shocked and Un-amused. As I left I barged past four boys in the corridor, I ran to the bathroom and shut the door and cried.


After the bell signaled it was the end of the day I left the bathroom and went to my car. "Wait, wait for us! Ashton called I wiped under my eyes and cheek and turned around to be pulled into a big group hug. "Beth you've not been yourself all day, what wrong?" Cooed calum, I shook my head not wanting to spill. "You can leave a place but the problems always follow you" is all I said quietly, by now everyone had left school and we were still thete hugging it out. "Let's go home guys." I mumbled. We all climbed into my car and drove home.

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