Blue eyes - chapter 95

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After 5 days in the UK I was finally packing up to go home. "I'm gonna miss you so much, call me anytime." I smiled to dan and phil who were sat on the sofa watching me pack my laptop up. "Aw we will call you whenever we get a chance, maybe you could do a colab with phil one day." Dan said with a cheeky smile, I returned the smile and wrapped up my laptop charger. "I'd love nothing more, what do you think Philip? " I laughed, he stroked his invisible beard and looked up. "I think that's the best idea since....ever" He exclaimed, I giggled and zipped up my suitcase. "Maybe I could bring my electric, that way we could rock out to some muse and my chem." I smiled. "YES" They shouted in unison. I stood up and hugged them tightly, they pretended to cry and wail which made me laugh at their childishness. "I need to go or I will miss my flight. I will talk to guys soon." I picked up my suitcase and was escorted to the door by them. "Next time I come to the UK or if you come to oz we are so going for a night out" I mumbled as I played with my tongue bar.


I trudged through the gate to see 4 boys holding up a sign saying 'drunky mcdrunkerson' I giggled and ran up to them. "Am I drunky mcdrunkerson?" I asked mike who was holding the sign. "Yes, it's so good to see you." He chuckled before squeezing me tightly. "I missed you guys so much, how is louise" I wheezed, mike let go of me and then the same process followed from Ashton and calum. I was finally face to face with luke again and I smiled a big smile at him. "I'm sorry for being drunk and reckless and-" He cut me off by hungrily kissing me, he picked me up and spun me around in circles as his arms held me close to him. His tongue slipped in my mouth and we fought for dominace but as usual luke won. "That tongue thingy is so hot." He gasped, I giggled and poked my tongue out. My tongue bar had writing in the middle but I couldn't read it. "Dude your tongue bar says 'fuck you' that so cool." Calum complimented. "Finally! I couldn't fucking read it for the life of me." I sighed, luke swept me off my feet and Ashton took my luggage. "Let's get you home" luke whispered, I wrapped my arms around his neck and yawned. "I'd love nothing more, what food have we got at home?" I asked with a small smile. "Left over Chinese, left over Indian and left over thai food." I shook my head and let out a tired laugh. "Have you guys been living off take out food.?" "Why the fuck wouldn't we?! Have you ever eaten thai food?! It's amazing!" Michael shouted, luke lowered me into the middle of the backseat with calum and himself either side of me. "I've never had thai food, what's it like?" I asked sleepily, mike turned around with an angry expression on his face. "Don't talk to me! Why have you never had thai?" He seethed. Trust mike to get over protective over food and shit like that, if I told him I had never played halo he'd shit a brick and then kill me with it. "They...don't have thai takeout in the area I grew up. Now please shut up and drive." I snuggled my head to the person on my left and fell asleep almost instantly.

Lukes pov

Beth has just snuggled into calum and he's sat there lime she's got an infectious disease, I have to admit it was very funny but I felt a little jealous that she chose to snuggle up to him and not me. "I love you luke" she mumbled into his shirt, it then became clear that she didn't know she was on calum, he looked at me with a small smile and the back to beth. "Dude just put your arm around her, she won't bite." I let out a little laugh and calum put his arm around her carefully. "Luke she's so cuddley, like a bear." He giggled, mike pulled out his phone and got up the camera. "We should get home, but first lemme take a selfie" He mimicked the chain smokers video. We all pulled funny faces and posed for the photos, except beth who's head fell on calum's lap, I snatched her off calum quickly and cuddled her. "I've got that photo." Mike chuckled. "L..luke? What's going on?" She mumbled, I tucked some loose strands of hair behind her ear and kissed her head. "Go back to sleep beautiful, mike was just taking selfies" I whispered. "Beth your face came into contact with my penis, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to get you done for sexual assult." Calum chuckled and shook her. "Mate leave her alone, she's tired." I seethed, beth sat up and Stetched her arms a little. "No I'm awake, what were you saying cal? I'm awake l ears" she kindly smiled at him and stayed awake. "Oh um your face hit my private area while you were asleep and that's sexual assult." He chuckled, beth pouted and Crossed her arms. "Calum I'm really tired and you woke me up just to tease me, I thought it was important, I fucking hate you sometimes. " She whined and cuddled me, after about 1 minutes silence and a minute of pouting from calum beth piped up. "Hey calum, I love you really." He smiled and leaned on her, she held his hand and rubbed small circles on it. "Love you too beth" He shuffles and she hissed a little.

Beth pov

What the fuck was that, calum moved on the side of my skin and now it felt like he just tore my skin off. "Baby, what happened?" Lukes voice was laced with worry. "I..I don't know, my side hurts." I said quietly. Calum moved off my side and joined the conversation ash and mike were having about pizza, I lifted up the bottom of my shirt and saw an aqua shape. "I found the culprit." I said shyly, luke looked down and saw the same thing, he immediately pulled up my top. "Luke!" I exclaimed and tried to get my top back. "What's goin- holy shit!" Mikey gasped, my face was bright red and luke still held my top up as Mikey gawped. "I can't see" Calum whined, I managed to get my t shirt out of lukes hands and pulled it back on. "Babe, that tattoo looks so hot, but I'm sorry the boys saw that." He whispered, I ignored him and gave him the silent treatment, if my mother taught me anything it that the silent treatment always works in making men feel sorry. "If it makes you feel better, I didn't look at you because I think of you as family." Ashton giggled. "Thanks ash, I think of you as family too."


"Welcome back beth" I heard ben shout as I came through the door, Louise came running up to me and hugged me. "Mum I missed you." She laughed, I kissed her face all over and laughed. "I missed you more monkey, have you been good for your dad?" I asked her, she giggled and nodded rapidly. "We had a big massive sleep over and we had thai food and it was really nice." She rambled, I listened to her tell me all about my time away and how much of a soppy idiot luke was being. "When Mikey started playing h- what's that?" She pulled up my jumper sleeve and there was a swallow on my wrist, it looked beautiful and awsome but I swear to god if I find anymore I'm going to scream."Louise your mum got really drunk and got a tattoo" Ben sniggered, I smiled at Louise and stood back up. "Yeah and that's not the one either, luke later we are doing a full body search for anymore fucking tattoos." I grumbled and walked to the fridge, I found a juicy red apple and took that. "Babe show eveyone the other one, please." Luke pleaded as he hugged me from behind, he placed kisses on my neck and nipped it gently. "Fine but give me a minute." I sighed contently and leaned into lukes chest, his hands rubbed circles on my hip bones. I took a bite of my apple and placed my hands over his. "Babe why did you say your arse hurt if you didn't get a tattoo on it?" Luke giggled, everyone looked at us and awwed. "The tattoo lady smacked my arse as I left and it hurt, she asked for my number but I was too drunk to remember it." I laughed quietly with luke. Luke lifted my top over my head leaving me in my bra. "I might as well leave that off, you keep stealing it off me anyway" I huffed, luke thew it across the room and laughed loudly. "What can I say? You're so stunning." I laughed loudly at his comment and threw my apple core in the bin, I heard gasps and a little squeak for the living room so I looked over and saw everyone staring at me. "What?" I asked sheepishly. "That's a nice pair of bo- I mean tattoo you got there" Ben said whilst almost drooling. "Oh fuck off you perverted dick head!" I shouted and ran off upstairs. "You might not wanna run" Ben called up to me. "FUCK YOU" I shouted and slammed my bedroom door. As a mother and still pretty much a teenager I felt I deserved a dramatic storm off every now and then, I locked the door and flopped onto the soft matress

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