Blue eyes - chapter 123

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Beths pov

"Luke it's been 2 months and the only person who's heard from her is harry when she broke up with him, maybe we should go see her." I said with a hopeful sad smile, he looked over at me and smiled. "Okay but we won't be able to stay long, I'd like to meet this room mate of hers anyway. Sounded like a cool guy." He mumbled, I giggled and kissed him. "Let's get ready to go." I said excitedly and slipped on my shoes. "Babe? Your still in your pyjamas" luke laughed, I blushed and ran up to our room. "I won't be long!" I called down to him.

Louises pov

Most people feel like dying after they break up with their boyfriends but to be honest it was like a weight off my shoulders, except I was sat in my dorm with a horrible cold. "Jordan haven't you got homework and things to do?" I asked with a small voice, my voice was nearly gone but I could just about speak. "No I'm drawing a picture of you to make you feel better." He smiled sweetly, he made more pencil strokes and every now and then looked over at the picture he took of me and our friends at the festival we went to a week ago. *knocking* "who is it?" Jordan called out not taking his eyes off the page, I rolled over and cuddled up into my thick duvet. "Pizza!" I heard Mikey yell, the door flung open and the band and my mum were standing there with huge smiles on there faces, I sat up and smiled weakly. "This is an infection zone, enter if you want a death wish." I sniffled, my mum laughed and hugged me tightly. "No phone calls, not even a text! You're grounded!" She nagged, I felt a huge dip in the end of my bunk and saw mike sitting there with crossed legs and a big smile. "Hello munchkin, you look like shit!" He laughed. "Yeah well I'm ill what's your excuse?" I sassed and snapped my fingers, he took my laptop and began snooping. "Neurobiology and theoretical physics? Sound boring!" He exclaimed, I shushed him and covered my ears. "I have a really bad cold and I have a lecture in an hour, then I have gym an-" I began but stopped because I burst into a coughing fit. "But your ill, you shouldn't have to go" Calum whined, I drank some more of my water and pushed my hair off my face. "I told her that but she said she wants to go, she's crazy." Jordan said dully as he carried on drawing, I peeked my head over the bunk and smiled at him. "All the best people are." I laughed, he looked up and shook his head, I heard clattering as everyone looked around my room. "Aw Jordan is this your girlfriend?" My dad teased as he picked up a picture of me at the festival. "Dad that's me" I coughed, he looked at the picture then me and then the picture. "No it isn't! Is it?! When was this?!" He asked with a loud voice, I hopped off my bunk and onto the soft carpeted floor. "Yes it is, it was about 5 days ago at that festival thing. It was quite fun." I trudged over to the draws and got out some clothes for the day. "She's like a hippy." Jordan laughed as he saw my clothing choice. "Yes and your like a slob" I walked off into the bathroom and got dressed and ready for classes. My make up was coving up my flushed cheeks and bags under my eyes, my hair was the classic hippy braid and I had a Boho dress on with a pair of denim shorts and my bracelets and rings on. I walked out and began gathering up my text books and note pads before sitting down on the beanbag next to mum. "So how have you losers been?" I asked as I cuddled up to my mum, she kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer to her. "Good, I'm back at work now and I feel great." She sighed, I grabbed the tissues from the side next to me and dabbed my nose. "We're back in the studio recording again and then We go off on tour in 1 month." Ashton said excitedly, I nodded and smiled. *buzz* I looked at my phone and saw a text from my friend Ruby. Hey me and sapphire are going to the gym l8r wanna come with???X
To ruby
Yh I'm a bit sick though x
"Who's that then? Have you got a boyfriend?" Mike teased. "Yeah his name is ruby and his sister sapphire and him invited me to the gym later (!)" I said sarcasticly, Jordan sniggered from the bed and carried on scribbling away. "Okay miss sassy assy, who crapped in your cornflakes?" Ashton joked, I laughed and grabbed my laptop. I began typing away the last paragraph of my essay and finally closed the lid. "That thing had lots of words I couldn't read or understand." Mike bowed his head and frowned. "FINISHED IT!" Jordan shouted excitedly, we all nearly jumped out our skin and I screamed a little. "You scared the fucking shit out of me!" I gasped, he laughed and handed my the sketch book. "Whadaya think?" He asked nervously, he looked round and saw the guys and he looked scared. "W..when did...They get here?" He stuttered and looked at me. "This is really good and about an hour ago, you were talking to them and everything." I giggled, I carefully tore the picture out and pinned it to the wall, he blushed and hid his face In the pillows. "Thanks for saying it's good." His voice was muffled by the pillow, I meet ed up his hair and he threw a dirty sock at me. "yuck! Such a slob!" I exclaimed with laughter behind it. "Right I have an experimental physics class to go to, so guys and mum leave or stay. I will be back in about 2 hours." I mumbled, I picked up my bag and looked around at them. "We will wait here if Jordan doesn't mind." Mikey picked up my guitar and I glared at him. "Jordan don't let him or any of them play my guitar, see you later." I said in a hurry. I left the room but peek back around the door and saw everyone getting cosy. "Jordan I'll bring back some sushi and bubble tea for dinner, text me if you need anything"


"I'm back" I panted, I was in my gym clothes and snuffling like crazy. "Here's your sushi and bubble tea" I passed him his sushi and the cup with a brownish liquid in, he took it great fully and looked in the bag. "Thanks" I placed the 4 large pizza boxes on the floor and looked as everyone (except me and jordan) gathered round them. "For you guys. Pepperoni, chesse and...hawian pizza" I said out of breath, I sat up on my bunk and pulled my laptop out the bag. "What are you having?" Mike asked with pizza sauce dribbling down his chin. "I had some of those protein shakes at the gym, they're so nice." I sniffed, I carried in typing away at my laptop as everyone else watched telly and ate pizza.


Later on that night I woke up and admired the picture that Jordan drew of me. I had an over accentuated plait with dream catchers falling out of it, I had feathers in my hair and my eyes closed lightly, the paper was an old tainted colour and my skin wasn't far off It. Time to return the favour, I grabbed my own sketch book and pencils from my suitcase and began drawing him in as much detail as I can remember. It was gonna take me all night but I had no classes to go to so let's sketch the night away. "Louise? Are you awake?" He whispered to me quietly. "Yeah I'm up, are you okay?" I spoke normally back, he came and joined me in my top bunk at the other end. "Yeah, I just couldn't sleep. How you feeling?" He asked me with a raspy voice, I looked up from my scribbling and smiled. "Me neither, I feel alot better now that I've been out and about though." I was no longer sniffling or sneezing, just the occasional cough. "Stop writing for two minutes and be normal." He whined. "No can do."

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